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Everything you needed to know about the Dems, run through the Kagan filter


Kim Priestap, who blogs at Up North Mommy, got an impassioned email from the Democratic Party, raving about Elena Kagan.  Does it rave about her brains?  No (although it mentions as an aside that she’s “among the best legal minds this country has to offer,” which is a depressing comment about legal minds in America).  Her legal expertise?  No.  Her judicial experience?  No (because there is none, no matter how one puffs up her limited management experience and some government work).  Her looks?  No, no and no.

Instead, the email is very clear about Kagan’s single most important virtue, along with a little subsidiary fillip to add to the Progressive excitement:  She’s a woman and, even better, she’s almost black because she once worked for a black man.

Read the following and tell me if the whole point of the Democratic euphoria isn’t that, after being the first female Harvard Law School dean, and the first female Solicitor General, she’s poised to become the third female Supreme Court justice sitting on the court, and one who is black by association, thereby raising both the female and black liberal quota on the Supreme Court:

Have you been watching the hearings? The nomination of a Supreme Court justice is a special time in Washington, DC. The air tastes different — it buzzes with an electricity even the humidity can’t conquer — and even more so this time.

Elena Kagan’s nomination is special. It took us almost 200 years as a country to get the first woman on the Supreme Court, but now we’re on a roll! If Elena Kagan is confirmed, for the first time, we’ll have three women serving together. We’re still a far cry from parity, but we cannot allow the perfect to become the enemy of the good. We’re making progress, and Elena Kagan is great progress.

Over the past three days of hearings, she has conducted herself with poise, grace, rigor, and humor. She has won praise from liberals and conservatives — prior to her nomination and since. It’s no easy feat to become the first female dean of Harvard Law School and the first female to serve as solicitor general. Her illustrious resume also includes periods as associate White House counsel and deputy policy director under President Bill Clinton, as a teacher at the University of Chicago Law School, and as a law clerk for Justice Thurgood Marshall.

Lend your name to help us show that the American people back Elena Kagan’s nomination.

Let there be no doubt: She earned this nomination. It’s not simply because she’s a woman, or because she’s among the best legal minds this country has to offer. I know firsthand the strength of Elena’s character and am certain she is the best choice.

The Supreme Court nomination process, like almost any political contest, is like a food fight where the nominee does his or her best to stay clean and dry while everyone else in the room slings Sloppy Joes. I’ve watched this before (recently) and there’s nothing the Republicans won’t do to take down a nominee chosen by a president they’ve vowed to obstruct at all costs.

Republicans are attacking her credibility, her credentials, and her character. They’ve become particularly focused on her work as a clerk for Justice Marshall, seemingly maligning his long and respected service to our country. As chief counsel to the NAACP, Justice Marshall argued the case of Brown v Board of Education. Later he would become the first African American to serve as solicitor general and the first African American to serve as a justice of the Supreme Court. We would be better off with more justices like Marshall, and Kagan’s work for him should be a feather in her cap, not a thorn in her side right now.

The other side is grabbing at straws, with nothing to support their groundless accusations, but it doesn’t stop the attacks. The Democratic Party is pushing back to ensure that this incredible woman gets a fair hearing, but we must also show that public support for Kagan is overwhelming.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony are rolling in their graves.  I think Martin Luther King is also starting to wiggle around in there.  This is not what they envisioned when they campaigned for equal rights for women, or demanded that people be measured, not by the color of their skin or bra size, but by the content of their character.  These trailblazers wanted women and blacks to enjoy full inalienable, constitutional, and legal rights in America.  For women and minorities to be valued just as numbers on some quota list is heartbreaking and as dehumanizing in its own way as the ancient status quo.

I have nothing more to say.

The real threat that the Ann Romneys of the world represent to the statist Left


I’ve been thinking (and if those aren’t ominous words, I don’t know what are).  I’ve been thinking about the Left’s attack on stay-at-home Mom’s, an attack that Hilary Rosen started, and that others have continued.  To refresh your recollection, let’s start with Rosen, who says that Ann Romney “has actually never worked a day in her life”:

While Rosen made a “fulsome” (i.e., offensive, disgusting, and insincere) apology, others doubled down on her behalf.  NOW President Terry O’Neill carefully explained that, if you don’t get paid for your work, it doesn’t count — which is precisely what my liberal Facebook friends have been saying, in an eerie echo of 1960s’ male chauvinist pigs.

The doubling down continued when Judith Warner, who writes for TIME Magazine, agrees that Ann Romney is “out of touch” with most women.  You see, Ann Romney comes from an intact family where the man is the primary breadwinner.  What could be more appallingly regressive than that?

And then, of course, there’s just the ordinary bottom feeder obscene ugliness than routinely emanates from the Left.  This kind of verbal violence is the Leftist equivalent of the old dictum that, if you have the law, argue the law; if you have the facts, argue the facts; and if you have neither facts nor law, pound the table.  If you’re a Leftist, you “pound the table” by calling women the most obscene names possible and threaten them with violence.

That’s the cursory rundown.  Now back to “I’ve been thinking….”  This is not just a war of tired old feminists who are trying to justify the fact that most of them paid illegal, undereducated women, many of whom speak little or no English, to raise their children.  This transcends Leftist feminist sensibilities and touches upon a core issue in statism — namely, who raises the children?

A small, but relevant, digression here:  One of the most interesting books I’ve ever read is Joshua Muravchik’s Heaven On Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism. The title is self-explanatory.  I highly recommend the book, simply because it’s so good, but I mention it here because of the chapter involving Israeli kibbutzim, which were intended to represent the purest form of voluntary socialism.  Part of the socialist experiment was that children would be raised, not within family units, but as part of the cooperative.  Only in that way could the kibbutz defeat unhealthy, selfish individualism and assure a new generation of people dedicated to the movement.

Except that’s not what happened.  Some moms were very happy to allow the collective to raise the children.  However, it turned out that the majority of moms, once those mom-hormones started roaring through their bodies, didn’t want their children whisked off to the collective nursery, no matter how nice a place it was.  They’d bonded with their babies, and they wanted to nurture those babies.  The kibbutzim were quickly forced to reconfigure to allow for single family homes.  Had they not done so, they would have lost too many families.

And now, back to the main point….

For the last many years, I have been the single most important influence on my children.  Yes, they go to school (public school, yet); and yes, they both have thriving social lives; and yes, I’ve been unable to insulate them from a Leftist pop culture that is hostile to traditional norms and to conservatives generally, but I’m still the most important person.  Of all the influences in their lives, I am the one who is most present, most consistent, and most trusted.  I’m sure they’ll pull away as they get older, and they may even rebel, but I’ll still be that little voice in their brain, imparting facts, values, and analyses.

I am the counterweight to the state.  Therefore, I am dangerous.  I am subversive simply by existing.  My love for my children is a dominant force that works its way into their psyches and that trumps the state-run schools and the state complicit media world.  Some mothers, of course, are entirely in sync with schools and media.  They happily reinforce the statist message.  But those of us who don’t are a powerful anti-statist force and we must be challenged.

The Left’s problem with Ann Romney transcends her husband’s wealth, her (and his) Republican identification, and her decision to work for her children, rather than for a paying employer.  The Left’s problem with Ann Romney is that she represents the triumph of the individual.  No wonder they hate her so much.

UPDATE:  Welcome, Instapundit and PowerLine readers.  I’m going to go all Beverly Hillbillies and say “Y’all come back now.”  And welcome to you, too, Hot Air readers.  Y’all should also come back now!

Feminist, leftist propaganda in the public school classroom


Earlier today, while my kids were still at school, I wrote about the way in which unions pushed a Leftist agenda into the classroom.  I should not have been surprised, therefore, when Little Bookworm came home from high school and told me that, because one of the teachers was absent, they spent classroom time watching Miss Representation instead.  Little Bookworm was not pleased with the movie.  Why not?  Because, according to Little Bookworm, the movie claimed that there had been a right wing takeover of media, and that Fox was a terrible, corrupting influence on the media.

Wow!  Really?

I recall reading about Miss Representation when it first came out, and thinking that it was rather foolish, with its usual Regressive . . . uh, Progressive worldview, one that’s rooted firmly in the early 1970s.  In Regressive-land, blacks are perpetually in the back of the bus, while women are barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.  (Which is why it’s such a hoot when an arch Regressive such as Paul Krugman tries to ascend the “reality based” soapbox to accuse the Right of factual ignorance.  I mean, this is the guy who thinks you can solve the deficit by minting a trillion dollar coin.)

Where was I?

Oh, right — Miss Representation.

Since it seems that Miss Representation isn’t just some silly 1970s retread, I decided to check it out.  First, the cast, which already tells you that this is propaganda from one side of the political aisle and not the other:

Cory Booker Himself
Margaret Cho Herself
Katie Couric Herself
Geena Davis Herself
Rosario Dawson Herself
Dianne Feinstein Herself (as Sen. Dianne Feinstein)
Jane Fonda Herself
Paul Haggis Himself
Catherine Hardwicke Herself
Dolores Huerta Herself
Jackson Katz Himself
Jean Kilbourne Herself
Martha Lauzen Herself
Lisa Ling Herself
Rachel Maddow Herself
Pat Mitchell Herself
Gavin Newsom Himself
Nancy Pelosi Herself
Jennifer Pozner
Condoleezza Rice Herself
Gloria Steinem Herself
Jim Steyer Himself
Jennifer Todd Herself
Jan Yanehiro Herself
Daphne Zuniga Herself

Is it just me or, with the exception of Condi rice, are conservatives missing from this list of media and political luminaries? Except for Condi (and I don’t know how she stumbled into this crew of knaves and cutthroats), the speakers in this “documentary” all come from the Left or, failing that, the Far Left, with some of them even emerging from under those rocks that shelter the truly loony Left.

But maybe I’m just being nasty and judgmental.  Maybe this stellar cast of Progressive thinkers (ahem) was able to pull a Fox and present a “fair and balanced” approach to the issue of women in the media.  As far as I can tell from the reviews that people put on IMDB, the movie is the usual stuff about a male hegemony that deprives women of high visibility roles, which is funny coming from a film that features the highly visible, well-paid Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow, Gloria Steinem, Jan Yanehiro, Dianne Feinstein, and Geena Davis, to name but a few of the downtrodden women who regularly appear on American airwaves and are very, very, very rich.

The movie also earnestly explains how TV makes women feel ugly, because it’s filled with images of unnaturally beautiful women.  Yeah, like that’s never happened before in history:

Minoan statue from Crete 1600 BC

Venus de Milo

Gabrielle d Estrees & sister, mistresses to the French king, 1594

Madame de Pompadour

American Fashion print 1866

Edward VII’s mistress, Lillie Langtry

Clara Bow

Marilyn Monroe wishes President Kennedy a happy birthday.

Beyonce is not attired for the board room.

My point, of course, is that, at all times, in all places, women have been objectified for men’s pleasure.  And when men strut around in uncomfortable suits of armor, or ride off to the battlefield, or get their body’s tattooed, they too are preening for the opposite sex.  That’s nature, not prejudice.

Moreover, as Thomas Sowell explains in simple (not simplistic) terms in Economic Facts and Fallacies, 2nd edition, is that women fall off the career track, not because of institutional misogyny, but because they have babies.  A large number of women, probably the majority, when given the choice, elect to stay at home raising their children.  While their husband’s spend 18 years honing their careers (learning skills, climbing the corporate ladder, making contacts), women spend those same 18 years nurturing the up-and-coming generation.  It’s a Herculean and important task but, at the end of 18 years, they cannot simply walk into an office an demand a job at the same status and pay as their male counterparts who stayed in the office for those 18 years.

All of the above, in the context of Miss Representation, is the usual squawking that comes from a tired old feminism that, all real world experience to the contrary, continues to demand equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity.

The only area in which the movie seemed to try for some sanity was in its attempt to liken the media’s treatment of Hillary Clinton with that of Sarah Palin.  I haven’t seen the movie, but this sounds somewhat apples and orangey.  Back in the 1990s, Hillary did get challenged, but those challenges came from the right, which had no media outlets, not from the Left.  I was there and I remember how Hillary was lauded.  She was trumpeted as a career woman and a co-president.  She got a 60 Minute segment to forthrightly explain (to media hurrahs) that she wasn’t there just to bake cookies.  When the Lewinsky excrement hit the fan, the media loudly and proudly supported this valiant woman.

During the 2008 campaign, the media supported Hillary wholeheartedly, right until they turned against her.  But they didn’t turn against her because she was a woman.  They turned against her because they’d discovered an even more exciting, more politically correct candidate, and one with a drool-worthy body to boot.  (And yes, the media went crazy sexualizing Obama, with New York Times articles detailing women’s Obama-centered sexual fantasies, with photo spreads about his pecs and abs, and with icky stories about female reporters on the plane begging Obama to showcase his manly assets.)  Having found an even sexier candidate than Hillary, all that they could do was turn their back on her with stories about her temper.  Boo-hoo.

What happened to Hillary was utterly unlike the savagery unleashed against Sarah Palin.  She was persecuted in a way hitherto unknown in politics, from garbage can trolling, to mail hacking, to scurrilous rumors about her pregnancies, to unending attacks on her intellect, and on and on and on.  This wasn’t because Palin was female, in which case her beauty would have been lauded as a campaign attribute.  This was because Palin was a conservative female.  She therefore had to be destroyed and, more importantly, her femininity had to be destroyed.

Comparing the media’s treatment of Hillary and Sarah is false equivalency with a vengeance.  It elevates Hillary without ever rescuing Sarah.

What really got my knickers in a twist, and what will have me contacting the school tomorrow, is that Little Bookworm told me that the movie aggressively attacks Fox news as emblematic of what the movie claims is a conservative takeover of the news media. Little Bookworm wasn’t exaggerating:

Numbers don’t lie: Women make up 51 per cent of the population, yet comprise just 17 per cent of Congress. That is just one of the facts director Jennifer Siebel Newsom highlights in her debut documentary “Miss Representation.”

The film strings together statistics and interviews with women leaders to underline what it sees as a barrage of criticism and deluge of negative imagery the media rolls out on a daily basis.

“Unfortunately, the media and our culture is sending back to us the message that a woman’s value lies in her beauty and sexuality, and not in her capacity to lead,” Newsom told ABC News’ “Top Line” today.

Mainstream media, Newsom said, is particularly guilty.

The film highlights a jarring headline from New York Magazine juxtaposing Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin: “The Bitch and The Ditz.”

Fox News appears to be a repeat offender. The film shows a montage of the cable news network’s anchors and guests zeroing in on the physical appearance or mood swings of political female leaders.

Fox News is a “repeat offender” only because Ms. Newsom (who is married to San Francisco’s stylishly metrosexual ex-mayor Gavin Newsom) focused on Fox in much the same way that Jon Stewart, as partisan a comedian as one can find, focuses obsessively on Fox coverage, while carefully avoiding the drive-by media’s slavish devotion to Obama, fixation on celebrity (and everybody else’s) sex and sexuality, and general “race to the bottom” culture.  I’ll just note that the Leftist media was fascinated by General Petraeus’ fall from grace, but couldn’t be bothered to cover Obama’s drone war or his malfeasance in Benghazi.

Movies such as Miss Representation might have some good points.  However, to the extent that they are carried along on a wave of Leftist rhetoric, faulty statistics, a denial of human biology and its real world effects, and a deep and abiding hatred for the single somewhat conservative media outlet in America, they have no place in public school classrooms.


How public schools’ war on boys has led to an increase in gun crimes


The school year has started again and, with it, the insanity that is Zero Tolerance in America’s public schools.  The Washington Post, which originally reported the story, helpfully explains that our nation’s schools have been busy little bees for the past year when it comes to criminalizing child’s play.  I wonder if we’re looking at this anti-gun fascism a little bit backwards.  We’re seeing it as an attack on guns.  But in the context of public schools, isn’t it just a subset of the school’s over-arching hostility to boys?

Public schools like boys in the abstract, but they really hate the reality of boys:  boys are physical beings who live in a hierarchical world that reveals itself when they are as little as two or three years old.  For a nice discussion about the spectacular differences between boy and girl social interactions, if you haven’t already read Deborah Tannen’s You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, you should.

Boys’ physical, hierarchical world means that they have a terrible time sitting still, even when they’re in their teens or 20s.  (Heck, I know much older men who are still kinetic, whether it’s a jiggling leg or a tapping finger.)  They engage in physical or verbal play that is intended allocate them to their place in the day’s (or the minute’s) hierarchy.  They practice male roles of warfare and command.

All of this is antithetical to the hyper-feminine, hyper-feminist atmosphere that pervades America’s schools, especially her elementary/primary schools.  I don’t know what it’s like outside of Marin County, but here, almost without exception, elementary school teachers are female, with a handful of gay men thrown in for good measure.  Schools want students to sit still, which girls do naturally and boys don’t.  Schools want students to talk about their feelings, which girls do naturally and boys don’t.  Schools want to destroy physical competition, which is a hard sell to girls, and an even harder sell to boys.

What schools should be doing is to allow boys maximum physical activity, such as full physical breaks every hour.  Rather than prohibiting physical and competitive play, they should encourage it, while enforcing concepts such as honor, fairness, generosity, and loyalty, as well as the difference between play and cruelty.  Boys should learn to be good winners and good losers.

The schools’ anti-bullying programs also persecute boys.  Often, bullies are testing out their competitive and pack instincts.  Schools could address this by giving boys meaningful competitive and pack opportunities, with strong expectations about honorable behavior, or they should work to teach other students how not to become victims.  (This would be akin to teaching home owners how to lock doors.  There are bad people out there, but you certainly lessen your exposure if you take responsibility for protecting and defending yourself.)

Instead, schools out-bully the bullies by bringing the full weight of the school to bear on a kid who is, as likely as not, just testing boy boundaries.  The victim learns that people should never defend themselves because, if they do, they’ll get in trouble, and if they don’t, they’ll be celebrated for calling in the heavy-hitters.  The “bullies” learn that the best way to win is to be the biggest bully of them all.

When boys do not respond to this constant hammering away at them in an effort to wipe out their biological imperatives, they get labeled as “problem” students, or ADHD kids.  The schools then start pressuring the parents to put the boys on psychotropic drugs.  It seems appropriate to mention here that, in every one of the school shootings in the last twenty-years, the shooter has been on psychotropic drugs.  The “turn boys into peaceful girl” drugs and the fact that the boys’ families have Democrat political identities are the ties that bind these youthful mass murderers.

I understand that there are boys who are violent and angry, and that bad things happen.  I’m not blaming everything on the schools.  I am saying, however, that in their efforts to feminize boys, including taking away the pretend war games in which boys engage to test what they can do, the schools are creating boys who do not know how to harness their boy energy in a healthy way, and who too often become dependent on psychotropic drugs that have strong links to murder and suicide.

In this context, the anti-gun policy, while it is definitely related to the Progressive push to wipe out the Second Amendment, is also just another front in the Leftist war against men.  The stakes are high in this war, by the way, because manly men — men who are self-reliant and responsible — don’t like a big government that tries to infantilize or feminize them.

(For more information on the schools war on boys, check out Christina Hoff Sommers’ The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men.  I haven’t read it myself yet, because it’s expensive, but I’m keeping an eye out for it on our public library shelves.)

A bouquet of stuff from all over


Quick Link and Open Thread imageThere’s so much good stuff out there on Mondays.  All the pent-up writer’s instinct and energy from the weekend seems to pour over into this day.  Here’s some of that good stuff:

Camille Paglia points out the obvious:  it’s false that a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.  Men are necessary to women’s survival and well-being.  The important thing, as I frequently point out, is to cultivate men’s virtues — and, as my readers have pointed out, to raise women who appreciate men’s best qualities.

And while we’re on the subject of men’s importance, did you know that the majority of crazed mass shooters in the past decades have come from single-mom homes with no stable male role model?  Guns are just tools.  What’s interesting is to see the dynamic social forces that lead young men to those tools:  my list now includes boys and young men who take psychotropic drugs, have Democrat or other leftist backgrounds, and were raised in broken homes usually headed by single moms.  Those are the types of people who use tools destructively.

I keep saying that Charles C.W. Cooke is rapidly becoming one of my favorite pundits.  Posts such as this one, about the media’s endless efforts to pin mass shootings on the Tea Party (instead of on the shooter, or psychotropic drugs, or Democrat backgrounds, or single moms, all of which actually tie in to mass shootings) explain why I like him so much.

Whatever Al Qaeda touches, it turns to shattered human flesh and bones.

Lawlessness at the top of an institution invariably filters downwards.  In Obama’s America, sheriff’s are now refusing to enforce gun laws.  Actually, though, to the extent that this “lawlessness” involves sheriff’s refusing to enforce new laws that violate the Second Amendment, I’m inclined to say that the nation’s sheriffs aren’t being lawless.  They are, instead, engaging in the time-honored American tradition of righteous civil disobedience.

Of course, the lawlessness isn’t just at the top.  There’s also a deep dishonesty that permeates the Left from top to bottom, with its most malevolent outlet in the American media.

North Korea is looking increasingly unstable.  While I’d love to see Kim’s government collapse, I worry that, given North Korea’s massive dysfunction, and the result of 60 years of national brainwashing, anything that is able to topple the Kim dynasty will be worse than the Kim dynasty (assuming that’s possible).

Good for ESPN’s Stephen Smith to speak out against the pariah status imposed on conservative blacks.

Obama’s efforts to polarize America for political ends have resulted in something very dangerous:  a polarized America.

Two on Kerry:  (1) His horrible, awful, dreadful, truly horrible (did I mention horrible?), self-defeating diplomacy; (2) and the fact that he never shuts up, but just keeps spouting nonsense.  In England’s Restoration period, the Earl of Rochester got himself banished from King Charles II’s court when he wrote this little doggerel:  “Here lies our sovereign Lord and King, whose word no man relies on; Who never said a foolish thing, nor ever did a wise one.”  Had I a knack for rhyme, I would rewrite that for Kerry, emphasizing both foolish talk and dangerous action.

Add the University of Maryland to the list of schools that wants to have all students pay $15 more per year for insurance so that a very small number of transgendered students can get free surgery.  On the one hand, $15 is only about 1% of the total cost of student insurance.  On the other hand, if you keep adding in these small amounts, you end up with big amounts.  And to show you how that works, I had a poetry book when I was young that included a poem in which the narrator describes  how Jane would offer him some pie.  “‘Will you have some pie?’” asked Jane.  Said I, ‘Just a little bit.’”  The narrator and Jane repeat this pattern several times.  Eventually, the narrator decides not to wait for Jane to ask him if he wants some pie.  Instead, he asks her for a slice of pie.  To his chagrin, Jane tells him that there’s none left:  “Little bit by little bit, I’d eaten every bit of it.”  And so it goes with trying to insure for every eventuality, including politically correct ones aiming at making everyone feel included in the insurance pie — at the end of the day, there’s nothing left.  Little bit by little bit, insurance costs have became unsustainable and no one can be insured.

Back to School Open Thread


Victorian posy of pansiesWinter break this year was very pleasant.  As I may have written before, while I’m not a big fan of small children, I really like teenagers, especially the teenagers my kids bring home.  We live in a tight-knit community and my house is often a gathering spot for the kids in the neighborhood.  When our pool is non-operational (as it is every winter), the kids swarm my living room for old-fashioned parlor games and new-fangled board games.  (My favorites are Telestrations, the Telephone Game Sketched Out!, The Resistance, and Quelf Board Game, all of which make me laugh.)  Nicely, the kids always ask me to play, and genuinely seem to want my participation.  Playing board games turns out to be one of the few things I’d rather do than blog.

Still, the kids are back in school, and Mr. Bookworm is almost back at work, so the house is almost back to me.  Since I’m a person who enjoys solitude, despite being quite gregarious, I can’t wait until it’s just me and the dogs (and the computer, of course).  When I’m alone, I can think.  I haven’t had any thoughts yet, but I’ve saved up other people’s thoughts for you:

The DiploMad is just like me, only smarter, more articulate, and with more real world experience.  But other than that, I would have written this post about the state of the world as we enter 2014.  (Hat tip:  Tom Elia.)

Mike McDaniel is always kind enough to say that I gave him the idea for a post.  Reading his post about non-falsifiable and infallible theories (such as guns and global warming), it’s quite clear that he didn’t need me.  He’s brilliant enough on his own.

Speaking of non-falsifiable theories, fellow Watcher’s Council member Simply Jews has a scathing indictment about the BBC’s approach to reporting on climate change — and even located its Ground Zero for scientific ignorance.

Those Americans who still think feminism is about equal pay for equal work need to understand that, nowadays, it’s about postcolonial milk.  This is the horror that academia has wrought on a legitimate demand, one stretching back centuries, that women not be denied education and opportunities on the sole ground that they are women.

I’m beginning to understand Obama’s approach to Obamacare.  Because it bears his name, it’s his law, and he can therefore do whatever the heck he wants with it.  Constitutional rules about the separation of powers — especially lawmaking versus executive — are for the little people.  A man of Roman columns and control over the oceans is not (in his own mind at least) a little person.  (I bet if you ask him, he explain that he brought about the polar vortex to impress upon Americans that global warming means climate change that freezes 90% of the U.S.)

If Pope Francis doesn’t make Asa Bibi a worldwide cause célèbre, he may well be the Leftist shill the Leftist shills think he is.

I may not be financially savvy, but when I’ve seen articles about Obama policies once again forcing banks to make bad loans so that poor risk people can buy real estate, I think “Hey, we’re heading for another housing market crash.”  I’m not the only one thinking that.  Add to that the Feds’ money printing, which has created a stock market bubble based not on value but on paper money, and I foresee a recession that will make 2008 look cute by comparison.

The War on Poverty is over . . . and poverty won.  This fifty year failure is an indictment of government market management, but nobody’s paying attention.

Okay, I’ve now depressed myself.  I’m going to walk the dogs.


Two for you to enjoy


Victorian posy of pansiesKevin Williamson has a brilliant article about modern feminism.  I won’t summarize it.  I’ll just urge you to read it.

I’ve called myself a small “l” libertarian, to distinguish myself from the Ron Paul crowd.  Richard A. Epstein has given me an even better name for my political view, one that recognizes the need for government, but that always hews to individual and marketplace freedom:  I’m a “classical liberal.”

The Leftist obsession with gender roles extends even to stain removal


Dirty laundryI know you’re desperately curious to get to the stain removal part of this post, but you’ll have to bear with me as I first work my way through the Leftist obsession with gender roles and the Leftist denial about biologically programmed gender roles before I finally get to the dirty laundry.

Although I’m trained as a lawyer, for the last few years, I’ve mostly been a stay-at-home Mom.  I worked part-time as a lawyer through 2008, but the recession caused my clients to go away and they haven’t come back.  Last year, I spent a few months blogging full-time, but that was very difficult because I’m married to a man, who regardless of whether I earn money, wants me to be entirely responsible for the traditional feminine role in the house.  In other words, he wants a June Cleaver.  That’s not quite accurate. What he really wants is a life partner who is both a Ward and a June. I tried to do that for several years (and again last year), I decided I didn’t want an early grave that badly. Fortunately, my husband is a very hard worker (which is why I don’t mind being June to his Ward), and we are able to live on his salary.

My husband is rather extreme in his sexual role stratification, insofar as he won’t do any work related to the house.  Throughout our neighborhood, though, even amongst the working families, it’s the women who do the laundry.  They’re also the ones who cook on a regular basis, although the man may cook periodically, cook for special occasions, or help clean up.  The neighborhood women also do the bulk of housecleaning, although the men are more likely to take out the garbage and take care of the garden and garage. Those women who can stop working and focus solely on home and children have done so (as I have).

Part of the reason for the men’s lesser contribution to the house in my neighborhood is that they tend to work longer hours.  Yes, ours is the classic neighborhood in which working women earn less per hour than the men, because they’ve made the conscious decision — invariably because of children — to work part-time, flex-time, or “merely” full-time (40 hours, compared to the men’s 60, 70, or 80 hour work weeks).

I’ve heard grumbling from both men and women in the neighborhood, all of whom occasionally feel as if they’ve gotten the short end of the deal. On the whole, though, everyone recognizes that their various accommodations, although they may not be personally satisfying, work best for the family unit.  More specifically, they work best for the children.  I do know of two house husband situations that have been extremely successful, but they’re the exception, not the rule. From what I see, the average family falls in the traditional roles if at all possible:  mom at home, dad at the office.  That’s just the way it is.

The reason for this long rumination is twofold.  First, I’m thinking about these things because of the ridiculous Claire Shipman-Jay Carney puff piece in Washingtonian magazine, which has been roundly, soundly, and appropriately targeted because of the Soviet propaganda wall art; the ludicrously Photoshopped books, clearly intended to make the Shipman-Carneys look intellectual; and a carb-loaded diet that would have heads exploding among Michelle Obama’s food police.

At Power Line, John Hinderaker points out one other thing that lies in the text, not the images:  the article’s main point is that Shipman and Carney have such a wonderful partnership because she made the decision to put her career on the slow burner, so that he could work 12 hour days.  Of course, the way this is written, it’s not about a beleaguered little lady staying home, barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen, because of male chauvinism.  The focus, instead, is on Shipman’s empowerment:

“Balancing Act” is written with the usual cloying feminist slant. The news hook, to the extent there is one, is a book that Claire Shipman has co-authored called The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know:

Their book posits that while confidence—rather than competence—plays a key role in female success, particularly in the workplace, many women lack this critical ingredient. …

Many women possess a deep-seated fear of being wrong or embarrassed, which prevents them from taking risks. Risk-taking is important, in part because it can lead to failure—and surviving failure, they say, is essential to building resilience and confidence.

“How often in life do we avoid doing something because we think we’ll fail?” the pair ask. “And how often might we actually have triumphed if we had just decided to give it a try?” They advocate “failing fast,” a tech buzzword that is the ideal paradigm for building female confidence. Take a small risk, fail, learn from it, and move on. Men are more comfortable taking risks, and tend to more easily shrug off failure. Women, on the other hand, stew, worry, ruminate, and second-guess themselves.

Men, of course, don’t mind being embarrassed at all. They don’t worry, they just plunge ahead, full of self-confidence. And failure? It doesn’t bother us a bit! We shrug it off! As a man, you don’t know how easy you have it until you read feminist tracts.


And yet Carney’s own experience illustrates how silly the Democrats’ claims are. Shipman has worked part-time for the last five years to spend more time with her young children. Carney, meanwhile, leaves for the White House at 7:25 a.m. and tries to get home by 8:00 in the evening. As in most families, it is his wife who takes time out from her career to focus on children, and who devotes more time to her family: “Flexibility, she says, is what most working mothers really want.”

Even Obama’s closet associates put the lie to his blatant, hackneyed canard about women earning 77 cents on the dollar, as well as explaining the reasoning behind women’s slightly lower earning power:  given the choice, women want to be home caring for the children and men want that too.  It’s the triumph of biology over experience.

So that’s one article that got me thinking about gender roles in my home and my computer.  The other one was an NPR Fresh Air interview with a gal who has advice for getting stains out of things.  Her advice is very good.  If you’re in charge of keeping things clean in your house, I highly recommend it — but do be prepared to laugh as guest Jolie Kerr and host Terry Gross try desperately to assure any men listening that they’re not going to lose their man-card if they don’t immediately turn off the interview.

Before I get to their rhetorical contortions, let me assure you that Kerr isn’t writing like some coy 1920s “advice for the housewife” columnist.  That is, she’s not saying, “When you clean your husband’s clothes, you’re telling the world you love him.  You don’t want him to head off for work with ring around the collar and sweat stains under the arms.  Every woman needs to know these laundry tricks to take care of her man.”  Instead, Kerr just says “for X stain, do Y treatment.”  Gender-neutral, stain-killing advice.  Apparently, though, both Kerr and Gross were pretty damn sure they needed to reassure the male listeners in their audience — college educated Democrats who must have a sneaking suspicion that, notwithstanding the amount of sex the hook-up culture has given them, they’ve somehow sacrificed their core masculinity at the feminist altar:

GROSS: And I should say you address the column to men and women. You are not making the assumption that it is women who do the cleaning.

KERR: Absolutely I am not, no, no, no. I write for both men and women. It’s very important for me to that. It was actually one of the reasons that I moved my column away from its original home into a place where I could be writing for both a male and a female audience. I personally view cleaning as a human problem, not a gendered problem. I would not be interested in only writing for a female audience and to continue to reinforce the notion that cleaning is women’s work. I just don’t see it that way at all.


GROSS: OK. Now in talking about these stains you mentioned underarm stains from sweat and deodorant, and we have two people on our show who wanted to know about that. One is a woman, Heidi Saman, and the other is a man, John Myers, and they’re especially interested in white T-shirts and white shirts. So what advice do you have for getting out sweat and deodorant underarm stains?

KERR: Sure thing. Well, the first thing I want to say is that I love that both a man and a woman asked that. It’s actually probably my number one question, both from men and women, total equality when it comes to pit stains.


KERR: Which is great. I think that that is a wonderful, wonderful thing when we can start showing that…

GROSS: Equality at last.

Yes!  “Equality at last.”  Exactly what I was thinking . . . NOT.

The Bookworm Beat (9/29/14) — The unpacked portmanteau edition, and Open Thread


Woman writingI’ve got a lot of open tabs with all sorts of random, but useful and interesting, information. Here goes….

Whither Eric Holder?

The Watcher’s Council has a new forum up, this one examining Eric Holder’s resignation and his future plans. I don’t think I’m giving too much away if I say that none of the forum participants believe Holder retired because he needed a break from the job.

Is it real or is it a satire?

When a friend sent me this link about Obama’s plans regarding ISIL, it took me a few seconds to decide whether it was real or satire. Now it’s your turn to spend a few seconds answering that question for yourself.

Men without women are dangerous

For years I’ve been harping away on what a very wise friend told me, which is that Islam’s fundamental quarrel with the West is about women: Islam wants to control women, and the West refuses to get with the program. Roger Scruton adds another dimension to the problem Islam has with women, which is that the women are being locked away from the young men who need them most. Between the whole burqa/locking up thing, and the polygamy that gives old men lots of young women, while leaving young men with nothing, the Muslim world has produced a huge population of young men with an enormous amount of unresolved sexual tension.  Combine this tension with the promise of its full resolution in the afterlife provided that you first kill non-Muslims, and you’ve created a whole lot of nascent murderers.

Why is this recovery different from all other recoveries?

It’s different because Obama’s crony capitalism has ensured that any benefits derived from the recovery have gone primarily to the rich people encircling his White House throne.

The Leftist dream about Common Core

The Leftists are slowly letting the cat out of the bag. It’s not that they believe that Common Core will educate children better; it’s that they believe that it will educate them equally. A lot of parents, though, are getting very worried that Common Core will leave children all equally uneducated.

By the way, when I watched the video at the link, I thought of this poster that I culled long ago from a Leftist Facebook friend:

Equality and Justice

A wonderful paragraph from Jonah Goldberg’s post about the endless feminist sense of grievance

Goldberg’s whole post is worth reading, insofar as it seeks to explain why American feminists, despite succeeding beyond any woman’s wildest dreams at any previous time in history, still complain bitterly about their victimization. I especially liked the following paragraph, though, about the way in which feminists discount objective facts merely because men state them:

Maybe it’s true that pointing out that women are doing much better today according to myriad measures somehow solidifies my rank in the cult of Priapus, but I’m at a loss to figure out how. And, even if it did, even if pointing out there is no rape epidemic on college campuses earned me an extra round of martinis at the men’s club with Mr. Monopoly and the Koch brothers, I cannot for the life of me see how that makes the facts any less factual. If I slapped my wife’s name on my column instead of my own, would the facts therein suddenly be more true? (“Hey don’t use ‘slap’ and ‘wife’ in the same sentence or they’ll compare you to Ray Rice.” — The Couch)

Note to Jonah: Logic is also part of the male hegemonic structure aimed at excluding women from power.

Matthew Continetti lets loose against journalists for Hillary

Continetti unleashes a wonderful stem-winder against a journalist class that can report no wrong when it comes to Hillary Clinton. This will give you a taste of his tour de force:

I am not entirely without sympathy. Mainstream journalists are under pressures that we are not. They have to pretend for example that David Brock is a serious person. They are implicated in the liberal Democratic project through family or sympathy or ambition. They have to take angry calls from the White House and congressional Democrats and candidates. One of Alana Goodman’s scoops involved a meeting at the D.C. bureau of the New York Times at which Hillary Clinton’s top lieutenants complained about the paper’s coverage of their boss, saying it was too intrusive and critical and that Clinton is not a public figure but an expectant grandmother. Leave Hillary alone, she’s under a lot of stress right now, she still has to wear those glasses at night, we have long memories, all she wants to do is swim, she hasn’t made up her mind about 2016, she’s putting the finishing touches on her book, dinner last Saturday was a lot of fun we should do it again sometime, she’s really a private person and doesn’t like all of this attention, why do you have to be so mean to her, I’m not going to write that recommendation letter for Sidwell Friends, Chelsea’s afraid the bad press may affect the baby, yes I’ll be at Hilary Rosen’s on Friday, we are totally uninteresting and unaffected and blameless and prosaic and apolitical but cross us and we’ll cut your f—ing knees off . . . Could you have been at that meeting and not laughed?

Sorry, people, but size matters


Big dog staring down little dogThe phrase “size matters” often has sexual connotations, but not in this post.  Instead, I’m talking about the dynamics of violence.  In the real world, as opposed to a Leftist utopia, big usual has an advantage over small in matters of violence, with weapons being the great equalizer.

While I know that the bigger combatant doesn’t always win over the small one, it’s certainly the rule, with few exceptions.  A lumbering, untrained giant can be brought to heel by an agile, intelligent small person (viz David and Goliath), but the more common situation is that, even if a small, aggressive person starts the fight, the giant, once roused, is likely to finish it:

The big versus small situation plays out most frequently in the battle between the sexes.  Ignoring outliers who are, by definition, rare, men are bigger and stronger than women. Our Leftist culture, however, insists that we ignore this biological reality in favor of a political construct insisting that we cannot impose equal standards that may result in different outcomes.  Instead, to ensure “justice,” we must have different standards to ensure equal outcomes.

The result of this PC policy from the self-identified “reality-based” community emerged in a small, buried detail regarding Omar Gonzalez’s terrifying assault on the White House, one that put the president and his family at real risk:  The Secret Service agent who couldn’t bar Gonzalez at the door was a woman:

The female agent assigned to the front door of the White House when Omar Gonzalez gained entry and “overpowered” her, was required to meet far lower standards of physical strength than her male colleagues. John McCormack writes in the Weekly Standard:

According to the Secret Service, male recruits in their twenties need to perform 11 chin-ups to receive an “excellent” rating; performing four chin-ups or fewer would disqualify him from serving as a Secret Service agent.

But for a female recruit in her twenties, four chin-ups would earn her an “excellent” rating; just one chin-up is enough for her to avoid the disqualifying “very poor” rating.

This is not the first time we’ve seen a disaster unfold because a woman was on duty in a position in which strength mattered.  In March 2005, Brian Nichols, a violent ex-con was awaiting trial on yet another offense when he overpowered and killed a sheriff’s deputy at the courthouse, raced into the courtroom to kill the judge and court reporter, killed a federal agent when he was on the run, and eventually took hostage a woman who talked him down by sharing her meth and introducing him to Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life.

The first link in the chain of events that saw Nichols kill four people was the fact that the sheriff’s deputy could not restrain him.  It’s entirely possible that Nichols could have shown such strength and cunning that he quickly overpowered a 6’4″ deputy who was once a linebacker.  But that’s not what happened.  What happened was that the sheriff’s deputy escorting this huge, violent man to the court room was a 51-year-old, 5’2″ woman.  I am here to tell you, as a fairly experienced martial artist, that even the most fit 51-year-old 5’2″ woman has no chance against a young, determined, tall, well-muscled man.  His mass wins against her fitness every time.  (And that’s true even if the man goes to great effort to create the external impression that he’s a she.)

There’s only one exception to the truism that a big man beats a small woman every time:  if the small woman is armed, suddenly she’s equal.  (In the Nichols case, the sheriff’s deputy was changing her uniform in some way, so she had apparently put her gun out of her own reach.)

Rather than expounding on this point myself, I’ll pass the baton to my friend Mike McDaniel, who has addressed just this issue with his usual lyricism at The Truth About Guns blog.  Please check it out, because it’s a lovely encomium to football, a rumination about physical size disparities, and a tongue-lashing against the Left’s pernicious habit of denying reality, all wrapped up in a package that states some hard truths about guns and size, written from the perspective of someone who knows guns.

The Bookworm Beat 5-27-15 — the “oy, such a day!” edition and open thread


Woman-writing-300x265It’s been one of those days: I took two family members to two different doctors’ appointments, went to a work meeting, went grocery shopping, and cooked dinner. It’s 8:30 at night where I am, and this is the first time today that I’m sitting down at the computer.  I still have legal work to do tonight so this will be a very abbreviated post, in no small part because I haven’t had the chance to read a dang thing today. Still, for what it’s worth, here are a few things you might enjoy:

Bernie Sanders is a dodo

Bernie Sanders is a proud socialist (although his net worth is greater than Scott Walker’s, so perhaps he’s a proud socialist hypocrite, but anyway….). Bernie Sanders has announced that he wants to cut back on the number of antiperspirants and sneakers offered to American shoppers so that more children get fed. If you think that’s a non-sequitur, you’re correct. Only an economic illiterate would take — gosh, they’re not even close enough to be apples and oranges…. Let me try again:  Only an economic illiterate would conflate bottled water and tires, and insist that if we use less of one, we’d have more of the other.

One of the first lessons I taught my children is that money’s only value is as a convenient way to measure what the buyer is willing to pay for something and what the seller is willing to accept for something. Honestly, it’s not complicated. Heck, if I had a few minutes alone with Paul Krugman, I might even be able to teach him a thing or two about market value.

Or perhaps Sanders and Krugman should read Kevin Williamson’s masterful, cogent, amusing, and in-your-face analysis of the essence of a free marketplace, not to mention everything that’s wrong with Sanders’s plan:

Bernie Sanders, the Brooklyn socialist who represents Vermont in the Senate, generated a great deal of mirth on Tuesday when he wondered aloud how it is that a society with 23 kinds of deodorant and 18 kinds of sneakers has hungry children. Setting aside the fact that we must have hundreds of kinds of deodorant and thousands of choices of sneakers, Senator Sanders here communicates a double falsehood: The first falsehood is that the proliferation of choices in consumer goods is correlated with poverty, among children or anybody else, which is flatly at odds with practically all modern human experience. The reality is precisely the opposite: Poverty is worst where consumers have the fewest choices, e.g., in North Korea, the old Soviet Union, the socialist paradise that is modern Venezuela, etc. The second falsehood is that choice in consumer goods represents the loss of resources that might have gone to some other end — that if we had only one kind of sneaker, then there would be more food available for hungry children.

I can’t urge you enough to read the whole thing — and to share it, as I did.

Also, for more on the terrible failure inevitable if Bernie’s ideas are implemented, check out Michelle Malkin.

Feelings, nothing more than rapey feelings

Wolf Howling and I have been exchanging a series of emails about the deeply wrong way in which feminists are defining “rape” for a new generation of vulnerable young women. My preliminary take on the matter, which looks at the way it engenders in these women a terrible sense of externally-induced victimhood, showed up here. Wolf Howling’s take, which focuses on the deeply un-American idea that a crime is determined by the victim’s feelings, is here. Please note that his post expands to encompass the new racism too.

I feel that, somewhere between my post and Wolf Howling’s, there’s a “universal theory of everything that’s wrong with the Left” article just waiting to be written.

Progressivism is America’s main enemy, with climate change as its primary weapon

Of course, if I ever do manage to write that “universal theory of everything” article, I’ll have to borrow heavily from Mike McDaniel, who has written an impassioned post saying, essentially, that no matter how much Progressives profess to love America, they’re the political equivalent of wife beaters who claim to love their wives even as they pound them into bloody pulps on the floor.

This Leftist inversion of “love” reveals itself in their every utterance and action, and nowhere more strongly than in the climate change canard that is aimed at reducing America to a pre-industrial, primitive nation. If you’re inclined to doubt either me or Mike, go forth and read Michael Grunweld’s article about the Left’s cynical, highly successful war on coal, one that is leaving America increasingly dependent on the fragile reliability of “alternative energy.”

Rand Paul has besmirched himself

A couple of years ago, Rand Paul was trying to go mainstream, and I respected a lot of what he had to say. In this frenzied pre-primary time, though, when the multitude of competing Republican candidates are trying to distinguish themselves from the pack, Paul has fallen back on the loopy fringe thinking that has marked his father’s political career. Someone on my Facebook feed accurately said that Paul is a “liberaltarian,” meaning that his is an amalgam of the worst type of American Progressivism and the loopiest kind of libertarianism.

Roger L. Simon has also had it up to here with Paul. More importantly, so has Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a man Simon describes correctly as “one of the few worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.” Read more here.

The Bookworm Beat 6-1-15 — the “sunny afternoon edition” and open thread


Woman-writing-300x265I’m baaaack! Let me dive right in.

The party of “Government, get out of my bedroom!” invades New York bedrooms

When it comes to teenage sex and abortion, or just plain old sex and abortion, the Left’s rallying cry for decades has been clear: “Government, get out of the bedroom.” That’s why I find it incredibly amusing that Blue State New York is planning to join Blue State California and invade the bedroom of every college student under its aegis:

The bill requires “affirmative consent” at each step of the way when two students have sexual contact. Amazingly, that means punishing students who fail to ask “May I unbutton your blouse?” and “May I kiss you?” and wait for the answer. On May 20, Cuomo said there has to be “clear, unambiguous and voluntary agreement” before any “specific sexual activity.”

There are, of course, a couple of problems with the bill. First, absent a signed writing or disinterested witnesses, it’s still going to be a “he said, she said” kind of thing, with a malevolent female perfectly capable of claiming that no words were used or that she said “no.” Second, and worse, it will make official the presumption that boys are dangerous sexual predators who must be contained.

When you think about it, the two biggest totalitarian organizations in the world today have horrible sexual stereotypes. The Muslims think all women are sexual sirens who must be contained in burqas and homes, while the Left thinks all men are rapists who must be monitored and who will always be subject to the presumption of guilt. There is no balance or normalcy in either group.

Others see a parallel between today’s sexual hysteria and the McMartin preschool panic

On May 21, I wrote a long post about the mental damage that feminists inflict on today’s young women when they convince these young women that they’re all victims of rape.  I compared this terrible brainwashing to the horrible things the hysterics did to preschool children in the 1980s when they convinced those poor kids that they were also the victims of rape. I’m not the only one thinking along those lines.

One week after I wrote my post, Ashe Schow had the same idea, although she attacked it from a slightly different angle. Rather than focusing on the young women (now) and the children (then) who are and were pawns in the hysteria, she notes the existence of the hysteria itself:

America is in the midst of another media-hyped moral panic. Sexual assault on college campuses, we’re told, is rampant, with women being targeted at every turn by the very men they call their friends. To stop this epidemic, we’re further told, colleges and universities must create their own justice systems and hold more accused students accountable. This, naturally, results in witch hunts based not on facts, but on feelings.

This moral panic comes nearly 30 years after the last one, in which men and women were accused of sexually abusing children after those children were coached into “remembering” the abuse by child therapists using now-discredited techniques. Among the more bizarre claims were that children were sexually abused in underground tunnels and that they were forced to watch ritual animal sacrifice and drink blood-laced Kool-Aid.

I agree, of course, with everything Schow says. I always like it when my mind is working on the same track as someone else — that is if, as here, I respect that other person’s thinking.

The next Israeli War is going to be very bad

Omri Ceren, my old Watcher’s Council friend, is one of the most astute Israel observers in the world today. He’s been using Power Line as an outlet for his observations about Obama’s Iran negotiations, the situation in Israel, and the Middle East generally. Everything he says is worth reading, but his recent email to Power Line about the way Hezbollah has placed thousands of weapons in civilian homes on Israel’s border makes for terrifying reading. Hezbollah knows that the media and world political organizations will blame Israel when she inevitably is forced to kill those civilians, rather than blaming Hezbollah, which made them a target:

The Israelis can’t afford a war of attrition with Hezbollah. The Iran-backed terror group has the ability to saturation bomb Israeli civilians with 1,500 projectiles a day, every day, for over two months. They will try to bring down Tel Aviv’s skyscrapers with ballistic missiles. They will try to fly suicide drones into Israel’s nuclear reactor. They will try to detonate Israel’s off-shore energy infrastructure. They will try to destroy Israeli military and civilian runways. And – mainly but not exclusively through their tunnels – they will try to overrun Israeli towns and drag away women and children as hostages. Israeli casualties would range in the thousands to tens of thousands.

And so the Israelis will have to mobilize massive force to shorten the duration of a future war. One of the things they’ll do is immediately is move to eliminate as much of Hezbollah’s vast arsenal as possible. Hezbollah is counting on the resulting deaths of their human shields – and they’ve guaranteed to that the body count will be significant – to turn Israel into an international pariah. But the Israelis can’t let Hezbollah level their entire country with indiscriminate rocket fire and advanced missiles, just because no one in Lebanon is willing or able to expel the group from Shiite villages.

More evidence that “global warming” is a scam

Christopher Booker is a “climate denier” who bases his denial on something fascinating — actual facts. His current crusade is to use his bully pulpit at Britain’s Telegraph to make people aware how much the climate fanatics are fiddling with the data:

Following my last article, Homewood checked a swathe of other South American weather stations around the original three. In each case he found the same suspicious one-way “adjustments”. First these were made by the US government’s Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). They were then amplified by two of the main official surface records, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC), which use the warming trends to estimate temperatures across the vast regions of the Earth where no measurements are taken. Yet these are the very records on which scientists and politicians rely for their belief in “global warming”.

Homewood has now turned his attention to the weather stations across much of the Arctic, between Canada (51 degrees W) and the heart of Siberia (87 degrees E). Again, in nearly every case, the same one-way adjustments have been made, to show warming up to 1 degree C or more higher than was indicated by the data that was actually recorded. This has surprised no one more than Traust Jonsson, who was long in charge of climate research for the Iceland met office (and with whom Homewood has been in touch). Jonsson was amazed to see how the new version completely “disappears” Iceland’s “sea ice years” around 1970, when a period of extreme cooling almost devastated his country’s economy.

The only reward a Cassandra is likely to get

If you’re a Cassandra — having the gift of prophecy, but the inability to make anyone listen — the only reward you’re likely to get is the Pyrrhic one of knowing that you’re right. Read Wolf Howling’s 2008 post about the threat from Iran and see that he nailed just about everything, although even he couldn’t foresee that our President would enter into a negotiation with Iran that sells Iran the entire store while expecting nothing in return.

Hillary is an extremely accomplished woman….

… It’s just that everything she’s accomplished has been a disaster or unethical (or, of course, both). Over at SodaHead, they put together a list that’s been making the rounds:

When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress. This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts.

Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.” Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children.

Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovered of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.

Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.

Read the whole thing. It’s a good primer on the wonders of Hillary.

Camille Paglia was another prescient person

Way back in 1995, in her famous Playboy interview, Camille Paglia correctly predicted where feminism was going:

Feminism has betrayed women, alienated men and women, replaced dialogue with political correctness. PC feminism has boxed women in. The idea that feminism–that liberation from domestic prison–is going to bring happiness is just wrong. Women have advanced a great deal, but they are no happier. The happiest women I know are not those who are balancing their careers and families, like a lot of my friends are. The happiest people I know are the women–like my cousins–who have a high school education, got married immediately graduating and never went to college. They are very religious and they never question their Catholicism. They do not regard the house as a prison.

PLAYBOY: But what about the women who stay home and are still suffering?

PAGLIA: The problem is the alternative handed to them by feminism. I look at my friends who are on the fast track. They are desperate, frenzied and frazzled, the most unhappy women who have ever existed. They work nights and weekends and have no lives. Some of them have children who are raised by nannies.

(A lot of Paglia’s other ideas were less prescient or appealing, such as her support for NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association.)

Paglia is still going strong and is still an astute and honest social observer:

I am an equal opportunity feminist. I believe that all barriers to women’s advancement in the social and political realm must be removed. However, I don’t feel that gender is sufficient to explain all of human life. This gender myopia has become a disease, a substitute for a religion, this whole cosmic view. It’s impossible that the feminist agenda can ever be the total explanation for human life. Our problem now is that this monomania—the identity politics of the 1970s, so people see everything through the lens of race, gender, or class-this is an absolute madness, and in fact, it’s a distortion of the ’60s. I feel that the ’60s had a vision, a large cosmic perspective that was absolutely lost in this degeneration, in this splintering of the 1970s into these identity politics.

Gay marriage isn’t about marriage at all

I often like to joke about Sally Field’s famous “you like me, you really like me” acceptance speech at a long-ago Oscars ceremony. What made the speech so memorable is that it articulated a deep human desire: to be liked and respected or, at the very least, to be respected.

But what happens when one group’s demand for that respect bulldozes essential social institutions that make for stable, prosperous societies and deny other people the freedom not to respect that group? The answer to that question will play out in those places that have legalized gay marriage for, as Brendan O’Neill points out, gay marriage isn’t about marriage at all. Instead, it’s about insisting upon societal respect for a lifestyle choice that was once illegal and has long been disrespected:

What we have here is not the politics of autonomy, but the politics of identity. Where the politics of autonomy was about ejecting the state from gay people’s lives — whether it was Stonewall rioters kicking the cops out of their bars or Peter Tatchell demanding the dismantling of all laws forbidding homosexual acts — the politics of identity calls upon the state to intervene in gay people’s lives, and offer them its recognition, its approval. For much of the past 50 years, radical gay-rights activism was in essence about saying ‘We do not need the approval of the state to live how we choose’; now, in the explicit words of The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage, it’s about seeking ‘the sanction of the state for our intimate relationships’. The rise of gay marriage over the past 10 years speaks, profoundly, to the diminution of the culture of autonomy, and its replacement by a far more nervous, insecure cultural outlook that continually requires lifestyle validation from external bodies. And the state is only too happy to play this authoritative role of approver of lifestyles, as evidenced in Enda Kenny’s patronising (yet widely celebrated) comment about Irish gays finally having their ‘fragile and deeply personal hopes realised’.

What is being sought through gay marriage is not the securing of rights but the boosting of esteem. And this is a problem for those of us who believe in liberty. For where old, positive forms of social equality were a narrowly legal accomplishment, concerned simply with either removing discriminatory laws or passing legislation forbidding discrimination at work or in the public sphere, cultural equality is far more about… well, culture; the general outlook; even people’s attitudes. It is not satisfied with simply legislating against discrimination and then allowing people to get on with their lives; rather, it is concerned with reshaping the cultural climate, discussion, how people express themselves in relation to certain groups. In the apt words of the Yes campaign, this goes ‘beyond the letter of the law’.

I strongly recommend that you read the whole thing.  O’Neill has really put his finger on what disturbs me about the entire press for gay marriage (in addition to the fascist tactics used to advance the gay marriage agenda).

We are not more safe under Obama

One of Obama’s claims is that, thanks to his brilliant foreign policy leadership, we Americans are safer than ever. As with so many Leftist claims, whether about rape, climate change, or anything else, the facts put the lie to the claim.

The Bookworm Beat 6-3-15 — the “cluttered life” edition and open thread


Woman-writing-300x265I’ve been on the go since 7:30 this morning, and this is my first chance at the computer. Lots of good stuff:

How Leftists think

One of the my Leftist Facebook friends was outraged that the Republican-controlled House repealed a law requiring meat to have a country-of-origin label. He and his friends instantly started talking about evil Republicans trying to poison Americans. They were taken aback when I pointed out that the article makes clear that (a) the existing law was about to be gutted anyway by the World Trade Organization; (b) that the problem involved the WTO’s claim that the existing law was unfair to Mexico and Canada; and (c) that this wasn’t a repeal but was simply a committee vote, with all but six Democrats on board.

What really confused my Facebook friend, though, was when I suggested that the market could handle this one without the government. Thus, I said, meat suppliers that are targeting people who care about meat’s origin will label their product voluntarily as part of their effort to sell the product. This whole voluntary thing, especially when tied with the wisdom of the marketplace thing, just didn’t compute.

Bruce Jenner may not end up as happy as he hopes

Although Bruce Jenner has opted to leave his mini Bruce alone, he’s certainly had a boob job and who knows what else (lower rib removal?) to make himself look more feminine. I really couldn’t care less what Bruce does (that is, I’m neither for or against his journey), but I do wonder how happy he’ll actually be.


Walt Heyer, an early male-to-female transsexual, who than went back to being a male, shares my doubt. In very simple language, Meyer explains the scientific fraud that underlies Bruce’s belief that surgery and hormones will do away with his obviously painful and demoralizing sense that his body and self-identity are at odds.

Thinking about it a bit, I suspect the Bruce will be happier than most. Putting aside whether he’s a boy or a girl, what Bruce really is is an exhibitionist — and that part of his psyche is getting incredible strokes. As long as he can keep attention focused on himself, he’d be happy even if a surgical mishap ended up with him looking like Cousin Itt.

Did Axelrod and/or Obama call Jews objects rather than people?

Speaking of “itts,” am I the only one who noticed something peculiar about the language David Axelrod used when he reported on the claim that Obama — friend to Israel haters and hater of Netanyahu — made that he is the first Jewish president? Read this language:

“You know,” he allegedly told Axelrod, “I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office. For people to say that I am anti-Israel, or, even worse, anti-Semitic, it hurts.”

Accepting Obama’s or Axelrod’s strained syntax, the correct language still should have been, “I think I am the closest thing to a Jew who has ever sat in this office.” As written, the statement is not only grammatically ugly, but it seems to say that Jews are things, not people.

Yes, yes, I know I’m being picky and have a 19th century grammarian’s expectations for a 21st century semi-literate political team, but it still sounded wrong to me.

Oh, by the way — in the article to which I linked, Ben Shapiro explains why, at a substantive level, Obama’s statement was also just plain wrong.

Yes, the Democrat party is more radical

One of the points of dispute between me and Mr. Bookworm is about labels. I acknowledge that I’ve changed political labels, although I point out that, with the exception of my volte face on the Second Amendment, my core political ideology is pretty much what it’s always been: I want the government to leave me alone as much as possible and to keep the world as safe as possible for me. (I know. I know. That’s a very simplified version of my views, but I’m working on the KISS principle here.)

Meanwhile, Mr. Bookworm has kept the same label — he’s still a Democrat — but he’s become vastly more radical in both his social and political views. And yes, it’s amusing to see an upper middle class white man mouth the platitudes of black female 99 percenters.

Because his label is still the same, Mr. Bookworm believes that it is I who betrayed our marital understanding that we would have the same values. I contend that I haven’t betrayed anything at all adding that, if anyone has changed, he has.

Interesting linguistic debate, nu?

Anyway, Mr. Bookworm wouldn’t read anything from Commentary, but I’m happy to report that Peter Wehner, if dragged into a mediation between my husband and me on this issue, would side with me: The Left has moved dramatically left.

Heck, the only evidence you need to prove that point is Bernie Sanders’ growing popularity. My Facebook page is flooded with his hardcore socialist demands for universal free college educations, 90% tax rates for the rich, and the forced contraction of our economy by making manufacturers make fewer products because doing so will somehow benefit children. Sanders is a dodo, but his political traction amongst Democrats, even though he is an open and avowed socialist, tells you a lot more about Democrats than anything Mr. Bookworm can say proves anything about conservatives.

The revised AP US history curriculum helps explain the Democrat party change

The media is the most obvious evidence of the Democrat party change, but I’d say the root of the evil lies in the hard Leftism of American campuses. Moreover, those campus radicals are now coming to a high school near you, and they’re trying to co-opt America’s best and brightest 11th graders through a hard-Left AP United States History curriculum. The only saving grace of the curriculum seems to be that it’s so confusing and boring that students will tune it out.

Feminists eat their own

Speaking of colleges, it’s interesting to see how Laura Kipnis, a former hard-core academic feminist herself, is beginning to see the light about the completely totalitarian mindset of modern feminism, which has nothing to do with legal equality and everything to do with total control.

I was going to add that the craven administration at Northwestern is bowing down before the radicals harassing Kipnis, but that’s wrong. In the 1960s, college administrators were indeed craven. Nowadays, college administrators, from the president on down, mostly agree with the radicals and are happy to be part of the purging process.

American Muslims are not shy

The media loves to tell us what American Muslims think, and usually what they think is exactly the same thing as Democrat members of the media.  Ami Horowitz decided to bypass the media and go straight to the Muslims — in this case, Somalian Muslims in Minnesota.

After denying that they are victims of Islamophobia here in America, the people he interviewed had a lot to say about sharia law, their societal preferences, and the place they’d like to call home. The MSM members who profess to speak on Muslims’ behalf might be surprised by the actual thoughts going on in many Muslim heads:

An elegy for Sweden

The Sweden Report is a long-running blog written by a person who was born and raised in Sweden, who then came to America, and after that returned to Sweden again. Or more accurately, the Sweden Report was a long-running blog. It’s being shut down because the blogger is leaving Sweden. He writes quite the elegy for a country that was once principled and well-run, and is now lowering itself to Third World standards as its smug socialism becomes increasing dysfunctional.

Democrats and the Horse Feathers theory

In Horse Feathers, Groucho Marx sings that timeless song, “Whatever you’re for, I’m against it.” The Democrats seem to have taken that on as their party platform. How else can one explain the fact that they’re objecting vociferously to a Republican plan to make birth control pills more widely and easily available by having the Pill reclassified as an over-the-counter medicine?

I think there’s a second fear at work too: Birth control pills are one of the most commonly purchased controlled substances in America and, moreover, they’re a product that is bought everywhere, by all women, regardless of race, color, creed, income, country of national origin…. We know that product prices drop and drop fast once something is allowed to hit the free market. When that happens with the bill, a whole lot of people all over the world are going to get a fast education in basic economics.

The coming perfect storm on American college campuses — one that feminists and other professional victims will hate


lesbian-coupleSeveral bizarre trends are burgeoning on American college campuses, all of which have the potential to backfire in spectacular form against the hardcore Leftists who are promulgating these ideas.  This post focuses on three of the worst ideas in modern academia:

(1) The next generation of political correctness, which classifies any speech that hurts a student’s feelings as either a microaggression or a form of triggering.  Older generation Lefties are slowly figuring out that these concepts are a form of censorship — but pointing that out, of course, is a form of microaggression that can trigger feelings of persecution in women, members of the LGBTQRSTUV community, people of color, people with handicaps (including young lawyers who demand corner offices at large law offices because they suffer from claustrophobia, something that really happened), victims of rape, victims of bad haircuts, people traumatized by reading about Cecil the Lion, etc.

Restroom sign Appalachian State University(2) The bizarre pretense that a person’s sex is no longer a biological matter (as in X and Y chromosomes, which manifest themselves in different reproductive systems, hormones, musculoskeletal systems, etc.), but is simply a matter of preference, so that students can now claim to have a “fluid gender identity” that changes depending upon the person’s mood.  On Tuesday, feeling manly, you can put on jeans and a baseball cap, and manspread over a couple of seats at a campus coffee shop; then on Wednesday, to explore your feminine side, you can put on a nice sun dress, put conditioner in your beard to make it soft and silky, and participate in the Womyn’s Group’s latest protest against male hegemony.

Gillibrand on Fake Accusations of Rape(3) The rabid attack on all men as rapists.  The most recent examples of this campus pathology range from a manifestly delusional confabulator (as happened at the University of Virginia), to a pathetic woman desperate for attention (as seen with Emma Sulkowicz), to a scorned woman (such as the one who fell into the clutches of one of academia’s professional man haters, and then managed to drag an innocent man into a kangaroo court beyond even Kafka’s imaginings).

The last of the three trends, incidentally, is a direct by-product of the virulent misanthropy that incubates in “womyn’s studies” departments and that thrives on American campuses.  If you’re interested in learning more, I highly recommend Robert Stacy McCain’s Sex Trouble: Essays on Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature. The book, which is by McCain’s own admission a work in progress, provides chapter and verse on the man-hating lesbians who occupy academia and churn out academic bestsellers. One of the more prominent examples of these “scholars” was the late Andrea Dworkin who, in 1987, published Intercourse, which asserts that all male-female penetrative sex is by definition a form of rape.

You do realize, of course, where we’re going with these three trends?  One day, it’s going to happen that a young woman, whether because she’s delusional, an emotional exhibitionist, or simply vindictive, will file a complaint with her university’s sexual harassment squad claiming that, even though she consented for months to have sex with her boyfriend, she’s concluded in retrospect that her erstwhile boyfriend raped her.  Being familiar with the Stalin-esque administraition her campus, she rightly assumes that, once she’s filed her complaint, her boyfriend will be summoned before a kangaroo court and run out of campus on a rail, with his entire future destroyed.  Ah, sweet revenge!

But wait!  In the Perfect Storm scenario, the ex-boyfriend, when called before the tribunal, refuses to bow down.  He does not beg for a lawyer.  He does not offer pathetic, chauvinistic attacks against his victimized accuser.  He does not beg for mercy.

Instead, the accused ex-boyfriend claims that the charge against him cannot possibly be true.  The reality, he says, is that during the time he was dating his accuser, his gender identity was feminine.  Not only was his gender identity feminine, it was also lesbian — and to the extent his appearance on campus was externally masculine, he behaved that way because he had discovered that he had much greater sexual success as a lesbian (with sexual success defined as encounters with other women) when those same women believed he was a man.  He knew, however, at all relevant times, that he was a lesbian having sex with the woman now hiding behind a screen and accusing him of the heteronormative crime of rape.

Not only does the accused ex-lesbian boyfriend deny the charges against him, he counterattacks.  His accuser, he says, the so-called “victim,” has caused him deep emotional distress.  She is therefore guilty of microaggressions directed at (1) lesbians, (2) women, and (3) gender fluid individuals.  Moreover, the administrative tribunal itself is a triggering factor that has caused him to relive in a post traumatic stress way the horrors of a childhood with religious conservative parents who insisted that men are men, women are women, and that marriage can be only between one man and one woman.

Because of these appalling microaggressions and triggering events, the manifestly innocent ex-lesbian boyfriend, upon leaving this administrative tribunal, plans to head directly to Leslie Abramson’s office, where he will file a suit against the University and his accuser alleging discrimination, sexual harassment, gender bias, emotional distress, and all other claims necessary to compensate him for the terrible emotional wrongs committed against him. The worm will have turned.

Did any Leftist initiatives ever actually benefit the poor people, women, and minorities?


good-intentionsMy son has a hard time waking up in the morning and, over the years, I’ve fallen into a bad habit: When he doesn’t emerge from his room, I head up the stairs to remind him to wake up. Last Friday, I got my exercise heading up those stairs five separate times. This morning, I thought to myself, “My God! I’m acting precisely like a Leftist, depriving my child of the opportunity to take responsibility for himself.”

When I woke my son up, I said “This is the last time I’m coming upstairs this morning. If you fall back asleep, I will not wake you up and, when you’re finally ready to head to school, you’ll walk there with a note from me to the office explaining that you overslept.”

“Really?” he asked incredulously.

“Really,” I answered.

My son came down to breakfast in record time.  It turned out that by allowing him to rely on me, I’d preventing him from being able to rely on himself.

Thinking about the inadvertent damage I was doing to my son with my well-meant efforts to get him off to school in time, I then started thinking about Leftists, who claim to act for and represent the other 99%: the poor, the people of varying colors and sexual indentities, women, etc. And what I asked myself was this: “Do any current Leftist initiatives actually benefit the people Leftists claim to serve?”

So far, my answer to that question is “no.” As of my writing this, I’ve come up with the following list of Leftist cause célèbres (which is not in any particular order), and the deleterious effects they have on the Left’s claimed constituency:

1. The anti-GMO movement

As the Left phrases it, they are saving the world from Frankengrains and other foods that will destroy the earth, all in the name of Monsanto’s enrichment. In fact, the historical ignorance behind the movement is staggering, since humans have been messing with animal and plant genetics since the beginning of human kind.

Every dog owner knows this — but for human interference, we wouldn’t have breeds ranging from Great Danes to Chihuahuas. As for foods . . . well, the health and variety available to us would have been pathetically small but for humans engaging in genetic manipulation:

Non-genetically modified food

The reality is that what’s happening now is what’s always happened, only with more targeted results. If the anti-GMO nuts would get off the case, golden rice could help alleviate childhood poverty around the world. In other words, the Lefties are campaigning vigorously against the health and well-being of poor people, children, and people of color around the globe.

Check out the third video down in this post for more information about the damage the anti-GMO activists are doing to their claimed constituencies.

2. The anti-fossil fuel movement

Is it possible to count the ways in which the anti-fossil fuel movement harms poor people at home and around the world? Off the top of my head:

  • Policies aimed at driving up fuel prices to discourage driving harm poor people whose commutes take an increasingly large bite out of their limited income or who are unable to get to any jobs at all.
  • The reliance on ethanol, aside from requiring for production amounts of fossil fuel in excess of the ethanol finally produced, has turned former food crops into cash crops, leading to hunger around the world and possibly having triggered the so-called Arab Spring which is, in reality, a jihadist nightmare.
  • In the drive to get more electric cars on the road (cars that in many regions of the U.S. cause more, not less, pollution), federal and state governments are forcing low income tax payers to subsidize rich people who choose to buy those same electric cars.
  • President Obama may keep the Oval Office at a comfortable 75, but those who don’t have taxpayers paying their energy bills are colder in the winter and hotter in the summer as they deal with the rising fuel costs Obama long desired and is finally making a reality with his recent EPA regulations. (But isn’t it nice that Obama’s effort to destroy an entire industry somehow managed to give his friend George Soros the chance to buy that industry at bargain basement prices, since he knows that, when Obama’s out of office, subsequent politicians will inevitably reverse these stultifying regulations.)
  • Speaking of those EPA regulations, everything costs more when the government enacts policies that drive up fuel prices.  The rich people in Obama’s world can handle the marginal price difference of more expensive food (the production and distribution of which is heavily dependent on fossil fuel), but poor people can’t.  Obama’s policies are creating those “food deserts” he and his cadre so decry.

3. The pro-abortion movement

Unlimited abortion, say its proponents, is for women.  Accepting that statement at face value (solely for the purposes of this post), there’s one group of women it’s not good for — black women.  Actually, let me be more specific:  It’s not good for all those black women who were never born because they were aborted, just as it’s not good for all those black men who were never born because they were aborted.  The reality is that Margaret Sanger (who was not herself a big supporter of abortion) was a proud eugenicist who believed strongly that the black race needed to be bred out of existence.  Thanks to Planned Parenthood, Sanger’s dream is much closer to being a reality than it would have been otherwise:

On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.

This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated “Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America’s Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member.”

Abortions also seem to put black women at greater risk of breast cancer:

A highly significant 1993 Howard University study showed that African American women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer if they had had any abortions compared to women who had not had any abortions.

Are Lefties doing blacks a favor by free their women from the slavery of childbirth and child-rearing (a “slavery” made worse by the fact that so many black women don’t have a husband to help them raise their children together) or are Lefties engaged in slow-motion black genocide?

4. The anti-gun movement

Remove inner city blacks from the equation and the reality about gun crime in America is that America’s gun crime rates are comparable to Europe’s — and that despite the fact that we have way more guns here.  And here’s the thing about those inner city blacks — they live in Democrat enclaves that have the strictest possible gun control.  Only when law-abiding black citizens in these ghettos are allowed guns to protect themselves does the black-on-black murder rate drop.

Conclusion:  Leftist gun control laws kill blacks which is of course the exact opposite of what Leftists purport to be doing for blacks.

5. The unlimited illegal immigration movement

  • Unlimited illegal immigration brings in unnecessary competition for low wage jobs, hurting blacks, legal minorities, and other poor people;
  • Unlimited illegal immigration places a strain on state and federal welfare systems, both financially and bureaucratically, so that the poor, including children and minorities, have to deal with more challenging bureaucracy and fight for the same resources;
  • Unlimited illegal immigration increases rate of murder and other violent crimes, so that there are numerous crimes that would not have happened if our federal government enforced its laws, and these murders happen in the poor enclaves in which legal and illegal immigrants and other poor people live; and
  • Unlimited illegal immigration brings in old-fashioned, dangerous infectious diseases that spread to the urban poor.

6. Modern feminism

I am an equity feminist:  I believe in equal pay for equal work, and equal access to jobs based upon the applicant’s ability to perform the reasonable and appropriate requirements for the job, regardless of sex.  And that’s pretty much it for my feminism.

Today’s feminists, however, are a hard-core of man-hating extremists who have convinced tragic generations of university women that men are evil predators and women their helpless victims.  There is no way to frame this development as being good for women.  True, they get a form of power, since they are able to bend university administrations to their demented will and destroy the lives of too many young men, but it’s pretty darn clear that this is a toxic power that poisons the young women who wield it.  They have turned themselves into paranoid hysterics incapable of extracting joy from the ordinary pleasures of life.  The power to destroy a 19-year-old boy’s life is actually a very poor payment for the complete destruction of your own life.

Please feel free to add to or challenge the list — although, as always, if you challenge it, please do so politely.

The Bookworm Beat 9-13-15 — the “good friend” edition and open thread *UPDATED*


Woman-writing-300x265My weekend got derailed because my mother is ill. She’s in a skilled nursing facility, but likes my company. I also am a fixed reference point when she gets delirious, so I can help re-orient her. Fortunately, my insistently anonymous friend knows what interests me and sent me a wonderful compendium of news stories:

She’s even incompetent at being a crook

Now, this is interesting.  According to Hillary’s tech company that took control of her server in 2013, it has never been wiped.  This story is just getting more bizarre by the minute.  And yet again, one has to wonder about the incredible gymnastics Hildabeast and her attorney have gone through not to answer questions about the server.  What is going on?  Inquiring minds really want to know.

You’d think Hillary and her team would understand the difference between a local hard drive and an off-site server, at least when it comes to deleting content.  Sheesh!

Certainly she has her supporters, though.  The Justice Dept. filed in a FOIA case a brief saying that Hildabeast had a right to unilaterally delete her emails without any review by a third party officer, as required by State Dept. regulations upon her end of service.  It would appear that we are indeed going to get treated to the world’s most blatant double legal standards and that DOJ is going to protect Hildabeast and State.

Run-amok feminism turns every male into a dangerous sex fiend

The world is truly going insane.  A 13yr old boy kisses a 14yr old girl on a dare and he is being charged for assault.  Good God, radical feminism is gone on steroids.  This is child abuse.  If I am the kid’s father, I am bringing a lawsuit against the charging authority as part of a war on boys against the school system and the administrators who referred this to the police.  Unfortunately, government immunity shields the prosecutor who filed this, but I’d go after him too and make him plead.

Meanwhile, the NYT Magazine (of all places!) has a very good article on the two schools of feminist thought as it relates to males in the context of the insane “sexual assault” regulations being adopted on the basis of feminist thought holding all heterosexual sex to be rape.  What hacks my friend off is that the Harvard Law Prof who actually makes sense justifies her position not on the fact that these new regulations are deeply unfair to males as a whole, but on the fact that they are unfair to black males.

Europeans are divided about Muslim invasion

Our Western media likes to show the welcoming crowds for the incoming Muslim hordes (focusing on the women and children and ignoring the men, who make up 72% of the incoming people).  The reality is that not all of Europe is happy with what’s going on.  My friend points to a very good post at NR’s Corner on the internal disputes in the EU over the Islamic invasion.  As the Hungarians see it, this is picking up where they left off in 1683.

Leftist chic and black power — reunited and it feels so good

Remember the days in the 1960’s when the white neo-Stalinist Marxists where feting the Black Panthers?  There was some famous, quite rich white idiot who used to throw cocktail parties and have them over.  [Neither my friend nor I can remember the guy’s name. UPDATE:  Lulu writes “The brilliant Leonard Bernstein hosted the Black Panthers in his Manhattan penthouse. Radical chic.”]  I am getting a deja vu feeling, only far, far worse.  At least the original Black Panther Party had a rational reason for existence.  Compare that to Black Lives Matter, founded on pure BS and solely for political reasons.

Jason Riley’s explanation of it yesterday was perfect.  And yet, Black Lives Matter Leader Lands Yale Teaching Gig.  And of course, what is going on in California is no better, where the university system will no longer tolerate intolerant expressions.

Leftist science — it’s only “real” science if it supports our politics

Surprise, surprise.  The left loves science, except when it comes to inconvenient conclusions.  Yesterday was Ray Mabus, the Navy Sec., refusing to accept the results of a Marine Corps study that showed exactly what you would it expect it to about women in the infantry.  Today, it is women with their knickers in a twist because a large study of hiring in science jobs finds that companies and universities today show a clear preference for women over identically qualified men.

The Bookworm Beat 10-29-15 — the spindle overload edition and open thread


Woman-writing-300x265So much to share with you (23 separate articles at last count) and so little time. I’ll therefore get right down to business and you might want to give yourself some time to review all these fascinating articles at your leisure:

Another pundit figures out Cruz might be the man

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I support Ted Cruz, and have done so since he took a stand on Obamacare. Ross Douthat (whose writing I respect) has suddenly realized that those of us who support Ted Cruz might be on to something.

Ted Cruz makes sense on taxes

Certainly Ted Cruz’s flat tax plan ought to help people realize that he’s offering genuine change for the better, not just platitudes and painful socialism. Heck, you’d think that all Americans would support a candidate who wants to deep six, or at least severely de-fang, the IRS and, in doing say, make our tax system fairer and make doing business in America more tempting for both American and foreign corporations.

Daniel Greenfield waxes eloquent on the heckler’s veto that is Islam’s stock in trade

After clearing his throat about the Obama administration’s despicable pandering to Palestinian terrorists, along with its sickening chastisement of Israel (this from an administration that would never dare blame the victim if a drunk woman walked naked through a biker’s bar), Daniel Greenfield gets to the real point, which is the fact that the West lets the mere threat of Islamic anger paralyze it.

The world’s one billion Muslims, whose delicate emotions are always infuriated by something, enforce an Islamic status quo in which no non-Muslim dares to violate the Muslim superiority complex.


Some might say that the billion Muslims are just looking for things to get angry at… but that would just make a billion Muslims angry.

When buildings fall or buses blow up, when people are stabbed, shot or exploded by the unofficial representatives of the bilious billion, we go right past the crime to the anger that motivated it. “Why do they hate us?” becomes the question and Muslim anger becomes the pivot of national security policy.

Since Muslim anger causes violence, we stop terrorism by tiptoeing around anything that might make them angry. Minor things mostly like freedom of speech or freedom of religion. If you’re a Coptic Christian who makes a YouTube video about Mohammed, you can be sent to prison when some of the moderate Muslim Brotherhood/Al Qaeda locals murder four Americans while shouting, “Allahu Akbar.”

After weeks of brutal Muslim murders, Kerry has gotten Israel to reinforce a ban on Jews praying at the holiest site in Judaism because it offends Muslims. Next up, maybe Jews will be restricted to the seventh step of the Cave of the Patriarchs again. Because that was the “Status Quo” under the Muslim conquest.

As my lengthy quotation in this “quick hits” round-up reveals, Greenfield’s article falls into the must-read category.

When it comes to Jews, it’s always something

Obama is busy blaming Jewish provocation for the fact that Israelis are being stalked and stabbed, run over, hacked to pieces, and blown up in their own streets. The provocation? Building homes, praying, breathing . . . you know, the usual stuff that inflames antisemites.

But even Obama can’t keep up with Palestinian imagination when it comes to Jewish depredations. The most recent Jewish activity that pains the Palestinians? Trees. Yup, those damn anti-Islamic, imperialist Jewish trees.

By the way, if you take a gander at a few thousand pictures of the Holy Land a little over a hundred years ago, you’ll find a strikingly diverse population, heavy on the Jews and light on the Arabs.

Also, you can help change the narrative by donating to a GoFundMe campaign that’s trying to raise enough money to run a full-page ad in the New York Times, telling the Times’ benighted, ignorant readers, that the Times is lying to them by hiding the truth about Israel and her bloodthirsty neighbors.

French Jews can be prisoners in France or free people in Israel

A fascinating interview with a French-Jewish cop who has made aliyah, but still works with the French police to try to protect the Jewish community:

The question I most want to ask Ghozlan, 72, is whether his decision to move to Israel signals that there is no future for the Jews in France. And the answer he gives me is revelatory: “It’s not that there’s no future for the Jews in France. It’s that there is no future for the Jews in France that they want,” he says.

France is not 1930s Germany for the Jews, he elaborated. It’s not the regime, the government, that is persecuting them. Quite the reverse. The government is trying to protect them. But they are persecuted nonetheless, he says, to the point where you cannot wear a skullcap or a Magen David outdoors for fear of attack by Islamic extremists, cannot leave overtly Jewish material in your car for fear of it being torched. Which is why a record 10,000 French Jews are expected to have moved to Israel by the time this calendar year is over, up from 7,000 in 2014, and why there is every likelihood that 2016 will see a still higher exodus.

(Keep in mind that Caroline Glick says that this is France’s goal — not to stop the harassment against the Jews, but slowly to drive them out even while pretending to protect them.)

Antisemitism near the White House

Don’t you just love it when the Obama administration’s point man on Iran is a fan of antisemitic conspiracy theories? You don’t have to go to the state of Denmark to find something rotten.

Iran is busy using Western dollars for terrorism

Happily puffed up with all the money flowing thanks to Obama’s abject surrender, Iran is not just shoring up old terrorist groups but also making new ones. You certainly can’t accuse the Iranian government of spending its money inefficiently. It knows what it wants and goes after it with single-minded fervor.

Rabbi David Wolpe explains the connection between Jews and tyrannies

I don’t know how to summarize this, so I’ll just quote it:

The enemy of the Jew becomes the enemy of the world. That simple, albeit mysterious, historical rule has been repeatedly demonstrated. Regimes and ideologies that target Jews never stop there; they are imperialistic by nature, and begin by identifying the “other” — and Jews have been the quintessential other — and move on to target ever-larger circles.

So why is there not more sympathy for the Jewish people? Among the thousand theories perhaps there is no improving on Maurice Samuel’s simple declaration: “No one loves their alarm clock.” Jews have been the disturbers of the world’s sleep. Long before the Western world knew it was fighting a battle with radical Islam, Jews knew. That realization brought them more indifference or contempt than affection.

Everything you thought you knew about drugs and prisoners is wrong

I don’t know why I’m surprised to learn that everything I thought I knew about drugs and prisoners is wrong. After all, up until a few years ago, everything I knew I learned from the drive-by, agenda-driven, Left wing media.

And no, the cop probably didn’t do anything wrong

Among many things I no longer believe are those 10 second videos that purport to show that a white cop abused a black person. It seems inevitable that the next, more complete, round of videos shows that the black person was, in fact, resisting a reasonable order and that the cop’s so-called “manhandling” was a reasonable response to this behavior. David French argues that this is the case in the Spring Valley arrest video.

Incidentally, I’m not giving cops a free pass. Abuse is abuse and bad cops need to be called on it and weeded out with vigor.  it. The thing is, though, that these trashy little videos make it almost impossible to separate the wheat (which is to say that most cops behave appropriately) from the chaff (those few cops who do in fact abuse their power).

No, bacon won’t kill you

WHO is at it again, this time trying to get greedy Westerners to stop eating all the meat that the mouth craves and the body needs. Cancer!!!!

But who believes WHO, that’s my question. It comes as no surprise to me to learn that the headlines are exaggerated and WHO’s risk analysis is so mechanical as to be nonsensical.

Here’s the bottom line, per my life philosophy: Everything in moderation, and try not to eat too many foods that have as ingredients chemicals with names you can’t easily spell.

You can also enjoy the always debonair and entertaining Steven Hayward on the same subject.

Yeah, yeah! We know. Obama lied.

More evidence to add to the existence mountain proving that Obama was lying when he said that liking your doctor was the same as keeping your doctor under Obamacare.

Climate change: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Here at the Bookworm Room, and at just about every other site in the conservative blogosphere, we’ve argued two things repeatedly: (1) Climate is too complex for computer models to produce useful information; and (2) every single one of the past predictions based upon these computer models has proven wrong.

Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as good old Gomer would say. Even the most fanatic, fascistic climate “scientists” have started to realize that they’ve got problems. David Roberts, one of the harshest in his indictment of “deniers” (he wants to use RICO against us), has confessed:

Basically, it’s difficult to predict anything, especially regarding sprawling systems like the global economy and atmosphere, because everything depends on everything else. There’s no fixed point of reference.

Grappling with this kind of uncertainty turns out to be absolutely core to climate policymaking. Climate nerds have attempted to create models that include, at least in rudimentary form, all of these interacting economic and atmospheric systems. They call these integrated assessment models, or IAMs, and they are the primary tool used by governments and international bodies to gauge the threat of climate change. IAMs are how policies are compared and costs are estimated.

And the “scientists” insist on hiding the garbage

It’s not just that the computer models are impossible and therefore useless. There’s something even worse going on, which is that the government is altering the data. And, having altered the data, NOAA is now trying to hide its egregious academic, intellectual, and scientific fraud: it’s refusing to respond to a House subpoena, claiming a hitherto unknown privilege called “scientist confidentiality.” Not only is that claim absolute garbage, it’s worth remembering that the House, which represents the American people, is NOAA’s employer — and you don’t get to hide your work from the boss.

Of course, this is par for the course in the Obama administration. Even water-carrying PBS had to admit that the administration is the least transparent ever, especially when it comes to responding to FOIA requests. The same article provides damning evidence of the fear running rampant amongst the minions tasked with carrying out the administrations’ whims, political and otherwise:

Under the president’s instructions, the U.S. should not withhold or censor government files merely because they might be embarrassing, but federal employees last year regularly misapplied the law. In emails that AP obtained from the National Archives and Records Administration about who pays for Michelle Obama’s expensive dresses, the agency blacked-out a sentence under part of the law intended to shield personal, private information, such as Social Security numbers, phone numbers or home addresses. But it failed to censor the same passage on a subsequent page.

The sentence: “We live in constant fear of upsetting the WH (White House).”

When you sever sex from love, girls get screwed — literally

Feminists have insisted for years that they can have sex just the way men do — often and with no emotional commitment. Just like men, they don’t even have to know their partner’s name. I mean, why bother if you’re only going to see the guy for one night or maybe only a few minutes?

And feminists are right — young women can have sex precisely that way. Except for one thing: women aren’t mentally wired like men and, instead of feeling like powerful studettes, they feel like pathetic, used whores . . . which, of course, say the feminists, is all the men’s fault too.

Feminism is a first world construct

Glenn Reynolds elegantly makes what one realizes is an obvious point: the only reason America’s screaming feminism works is because America’s men have already gracefully acceded cultural control to these harpies. Moreover, as the West cedes geographic territory to the Middle East, these women will find themselves dealing with a different class of men. Almost certainly, these women will find themselves retired, not to the boardroom, but to the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant, and abused.

Self-loathing Leftists

Christians have a nice doctrine: “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” I understand this to mean that you recognize each individual’s worth, and value each individual, but that you don’t give people a free pass for their conscious wrongdoing.

Trust Leftists to turn this idea on its head in the worst way. After a Leftist was the victim of an armed robbery in a New York eatery, she and her friends decided to hate and blame themselves, forgive the sin and the sinner, and blame economic forces and the gun for everything that went wrong on the day.

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down

From a friend:  “We are coming to an economic tipping point, I think, world wide.  China is in free fall, devaluing their currency and selling off US bonds, the US economy is running on smoke and mirrors and no longer has China to finance its grossly bloated spending, and Europe is circling the financial drain.  European 2 year bonds today are being sold at negative interest rates.  That means that the people with money buying those bonds are betting that their economy is going to go south in the near future and that losing x percent of their money is good insurance against losing 2x or 3x when the implosion hits.  It is the equivalent of taking out a life insurance policy the day after you’ve been diagnosed with cancer.  I can’t imagine a clearer or more ominous red flag than what is happening in Europe.”

Another Leftist unclear on the concept

Slate’s Emily Joffe, who writes the advice column and occasionally has very un-Slate flashes of sanity — as when she suggested that women would be less likely to get raped if they stopped getting paralytically drunk — got a doozy of a letter from a pregnant Leftist:

I live in a small town, and recently a number of local doctors signed a petition against Planned Parenthood, based on proven lies and obfuscation of facts. I was horrified to find a number of my own providers on the list, including a physician at my group OB practice. I am pregnant with my second child now, but long ago I had an abortion. I feel legitimately concerned about the quality of care I might receive if my OB knows I had an abortion (I disclosed this on my medical history). I’m almost into my third trimester, but I’m completely panicked about the potential of a doctor who may judge me or even deny me crucial medical care if something devastating were to happen during my pregnancy. I want to switch practices, but my husband thinks I am overreacting. There are not many other OBs in town. Should I talk to someone at the practice about my concerns? Am I being unreasonable here?

Joffe gives a polite response.  My response was less polite.  This woman is so stupid that she thinks that a doctor who opposes abortion, a position he presumably takes because he celebrates the value of each baby’s life, is going to get some sort of revenge on her by . . . harming a baby’s life.  Maybe it’s just pregnancy brain or maybe the woman is congenitally stupid.

I ran into a similar conceptual problem with a Leftist who had a very peculiar take on the Leftist claim that America has one of the worst infant mortality rates in the world.  I explained that this “statistic” is another garbage in, garbage out problem, because America classifies all births as live, while the countries against which America is compared wait awhile to see whether a baby will survive a few days after birth before calling it a “live birth.”  When you apply the same standards to the countries under consideration (either by subtracting vulnerable babies from America’s statistics or adding vulnerable babies to the other countries’ statistics), you discover that has exceptionally low infant mortality rates.

The Leftist with whom I spoke would have none of this.  The problem, she claimed, is that we don’t have socialized medicine.  If we did, poor people would have better prenatal care (questionable, because the problem of poor prenatal care is often a cultural one), plus, we would terminate more pregnancies.  In other words, we would kill the defective babies in utero so that they don’t mess with America’s infant mortality statistics by daring to be born alive.  The Leftie couldn’t seem to grasp that this too is a form of high infant morality, except one that causes our nation to bear a stain on its soul.

How do you spell corruption? C-L-I-N-T-O-N F-O-U-N-D-A-T-I-O-N

Ken Silverstein explains that the Clinton Foundation’s fraud is woven so deeply into the institution’s fabric that it may be impossible ever to figure out precisely where the fraud starts and ends.

It turns out Superman is not fictional

Tibor Rubin survived Nazi death camps (he was the only one in his family to do so) as well as a Chinese POW camp during the Korean War. In between internments, he fought like a berserker in Korea and, while in the POW camp, used the skills he learned during the Holocaust to save his comrades’ lives.

Nominated four times for a Medal of Honor, he was blocked by an antisemitic sergeant who didn’t want to see the honor go to a Jew. Fortunately, a review of recommendations made about blacks and Jews ensured that Rubin got his Medal while he still has time to enjoy it and the perks that come with it.

You really have to read his story; it’s frigging amazing.

The Bookworm Beat 1/8/16 — the “world gone mad” edition and open thread


Woman-writing-300x265I don’t know how this happened, but in just three days of collecting articles on my cyber-spindle, I’ve managed to gather together almost thirty solid links I want to share with you. No time for chat, therefore; instead, I’ll plunge straight into my fascinating “world gone mad” edition:

If you only have time to read two things today

This is a meaty round-up. If you don’t have time to pursue all these links, I recommend two articles, both of which say things we already now, but each of which expresses those ideas with such clarity that you must read them:

1. Noemi Emery’s Obama’s Pass From The Press.

2. Kevin Williamson’s Mrs. Clinton is Professor Click.

The danger to America from Obama’s unconstitutional efforts to grab guns

Mike McDaniel didn’t need to hear Obama’s tearful press conference to know what was coming down the pike. Before Obama even opened his mouth, Mike spelled out the benefits of having a civilized and armed society, as well as the constitutional limitations Obama planned to (and did) blow past on his way to gun confiscation.

I’m shocked — shocked! — to learn that Obama lied about guns in America

Oh, and just about everything Obama said during the press conference was a lie.

Indeed, the very first lie was about those 30,000 deaths annually, with the implication that these are 30,000 annual gun homicides. There aren’t:

At a Jan. 4 press conference, President Barack Obama’s press secretary, Josh Earnest, exclaimed that “30,000 gun deaths in America” was enough evidence for the administration to push past Congress to establish laws to combat gun violence.

“Thirty thousand gun deaths in America every year. Twenty thousand children under the age of 18 have been killed by a firearm over the last decade. Hundreds of law enforcement officers that have been shot and killed over the last decade. And in the face of all these statistics, what’s Congress done?” Earnest asked.

However, Earnest’s efforts backfired when Emily Miller, a reporter for WTTG and author of the book “Emily Gets Her Gun,” noted that 20,000 of those deaths were due to suicide.

Obama also ignore yet another truth: guns don’t just take lives, they save lives. It’s really beyond me why the NRA and other special interest groups don’t track down every single person who lives today because a gun protected him (or her) and have that person do a commercial: “Hi, my name is ___________. I’m here today because a legal gun saved my life. [Tell story.]” Finish with glowing images of survivor surrounded by happy loved ones.  These commercials should flood every type of media:  Television, print, and internet.

Was Paul Ryan more Machiavellian than we realized?

Conservatives in America were deeply disappointed when Paul Ryan pushed through a budget that fulfilled every Democrat’s dream. What the heck was he thinking?

What he might have been thinking about was repealing Obamacare. According to Rick Moran, the recent vote to repeal Obamacare was only possible because of the Ryan budget:

The key to this vote was getting a budget bill passed. Once that happened, reconciliation came into play – the first time since Obamacare was passed and Republicans were in the majority. Of course, there aren’t the votes to override the president’s veto, but the path forward for the people to take back control of their health insurance options has been cleared.

The question remains whether, over the long run, the Ryan budget will do more good than harm.

Culture can be a source for good

In America, of late, popular culture hasn’t done much for the public weal. It’s therefore nice to be reminded that something as simple as a song can be a source of profound good — as was the case with a Yiddish song that powered Jewish partisans during WWII, and that has frequently been recorded since then.

And speaking of good culture

The old notion of a “university” education was that the education would be “universal.” The graduate would have insights into everything the greatest minds in history could produce, from math to science to literature to art to philosophy. That’s why it’s so deeply disturbing that at major universities across America, Shakespeare is no longer a required to be an English major. Shallow feminism sees his fame as being attributable to his white, male status. In fact, Shakespeare’s fame arises because he used language so beautifully, and he did so in the service of grand, unchangeable human themes.

In a funny way, Ted Cruz is bucking the anti-humanism trend. His foreign policy adviser, Victoria Coates, has a PhD in art history, in addition to on-the-job skills learned working for Donald Rumsfeld. She has combined her two worlds in a newly published book: David’s Sling: A History of Democracy in Ten Works of Art. Roger Simon has read the book and raves about it:

In David’s Sling she brings her interests together, unpacking the complex relationship between art and democracy from the Athens of Pericles and Phidias all the way through the World War I France of Clemenceau and Monet and on into more recent times with Picasso and Guernica.

The many stops along the way are compelling, including such highlights as the links between the political conflicts and the artistic triumphs of the Dutch Golden Age and the vicissitudes of the French Revolution leading to Jacques-Louis David’s haunting bathtub portrait of his murdered friend Jean-Paul Marat, The Death of Marat.


Reading Coates’ book, it’s hard not to think of what a continual battle it is to preserve democracy, how fragile our system is, seen here from the unique perspective of the art historian. Similarly, it’s hard not to think of today’s Europe, overwhelmed as it is once again becoming by totalitarian forces.

Whatever the results of those migrations, David’s Sling should be recommended reading for anyone headed for Europe today. It would make those obligatory trips to the Rijksmuseum, etc. more rewarding. I wish I had read it before my recent trip to Amsterdam. In fact, I would recommended it to anyone, scheduled trip or no. Despite Coates’ academic bona fides, David’s Sling doesn’t read the slightest bit like one of those boring art history texts one often encounters in college. It’s gripping.

Kudos too to Ted Cruz for choosing a person with such breadth of knowledge as a foreign policy adviser. It reflects well on him.

I grew up in a home rich in European culture, took several art history classes at college, and have been to most of Europe’s great museums. The art works in Coates’ book are therefore familiar to me. Nevertheless, I look forward to reading the book so that I can see them through the lens of democracy.

One more thing: I’ve gotten to know Coates a bit via some messages we exchanged in connection with my posts about Ted Cruz, whom I support. She is, in her communications, every inch a lady — an old-fashioned concept, I know, but a good standard by which to measure a person.

It’s depressing even to think about what the Clintons did to culture

Harry Stein (like me, someone who journeyed from Leftist to conservative) has written a fascinating post tying the decline of American culture to Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky sex scandal. It was that moment at which our culture coarsened, perhaps irreparably:

As Clinton’s prospects for survival brightened, his Democratic colleagues likewise rallied to his support, even as many privately expressed deep contempt for his behavior. Indeed, it was already becoming clear that the Clintons’ scorched-earth campaign for survival would impose steep and long-lasting costs on the quality of the nation’s civic life. It is no accident that the campaign’s rallying cry, “Let’s Move On,” would be the genesis of MoveOn.org, which continues today aggressively to push the Left’s agenda and eviscerate those on the other side.

Personal anecdote:  In 2007 or 2008, when a very nice man came to our school to answer nervous parents’ questions about the school’s fifth grade sex ed class (purely biology based, with values left for parents), he asked us to guess which news story garnered more student questions than any other story he’d dealt with in 25 years. After a variety of guesses, from Janet Jackson’s costume failure to Loreena Bobbitt’s home castration project, he told us we were all wrong. The story that changed how students viewed sex was the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, when oral sex suddenly left the bedroom and entered the school room.

Here’s a follow-up to that story:  Less than a decade after Lewinsky-gate, at a middle school dance in Marin, a teacher’s suspicions about long lines into the boys’ restroom revealed two girls orally servicing every boy who came along.

Hillary and fellow feminists prefer a PC rapist to a conservative decent man

As Bill’s enabler, Hillary has a lot to answer for. I wonder when/if the sexual zealots on American campuses — the ones who have enacted a new legal standard of “guilty until proven” innocent for men accused of sexual wrongdoing — will turn on Hillary. If Germany’s feminists are anything to go by, the answer is that the turnaround won’t come anytime soon. Just as women in the 1990s forgave Bill everything because he supported abortion, Germany’s feminists are forgiving the Muslims hordes who attacked hundreds of women across Germany on New Year’s Eve because the feminists are afraid that focusing on actual malfeasors will divert attention from the true evil: white European males.

Ron Fournier, a former Clinton supporter, has realized that Bill’s sexcapades still matter culturally, although he’s unclear on the fact that Hillary wasn’t just a wronged wife but was, in fact, a major player in the cover-ups, misdirection, and libelous conduct towards the women.

As an aside, the whole feminist culture is nibbling away at the Marines. Let’s hope that the Marines, being made of stronger stuff than university administrators, are able to survive these PC assaults.

Lastly, I assume it hasn’t escaped your notice that the SJWs, and BLMS, and Feminazis have as their first targets places that support their agendas: Leftist cities and institutions. Usually revolutions eat their own last. This time, though, the revolution is eating its own first, no doubt in order to strike fear into everyone else.

For Europeans, cultural degradation is better than the end of culture

David P. Goldman (aka Spengler) writes about the bizarre phenomenon (which I alluded to above with my reference to German feminists) that Western Europe will do anything it can to pretend that the Muslims it invited into its countries aren’t now busy burning down these same countries. In addition to actually burning down buildings (Muslims routinely set Swedish schools on fire), the Muslims are destroying one Western traditional after another, from free speech, to female autonomy, to Judeo-Christian doctrines — and they’re doing it with active assistance from Europeans or at the very least the absence of any resistance.

In this regard, what’s happening in Europe reminds me strongly of the way in which the Spanish Influenza killed — it wasn’t the disease that killed, it was the immune system response. Old people and young ones, with their immature or antiquated immune systems ought to have been the first to die. But it was the young and healthy who died because their immune system responses to the influenza were so over-the-top the responses killed the patients.

Goldman thinks that, having turned against their own cultural institutions, Europeans have nothing to stave off their fears as they stare into the endless abyss of cultural death, whether theirs or another’s:

The fear of social death that comes with civilizational decline is unspeakably worse than individual death, and horror before the prospect of social death gives impulse to atrocious behavior. More precisely, it makes it impossible to say what is atrocious and what is not. “We cannot, indeed, imagine our own death; whenever we try to do so we find that we survive ourselves as spectators,” said Freud. That is not quite true: we often tremble at the prospect of our own death in fear and horror, which we would not do if we did not imagine it. Our consciousness, rather, is both individual and social, and we regard our own death with the inner eye of those with whom we share a common language and aspirations, which will not end with out physical existence.

Unless it does. That is the ultimate horror. It is one thing to imagine being a spectator at your own funeral, and another to imagine yourself shut into perpetual silence, cut off from all human contact, with no past and no future. That is a living death, a mental presence without consciousness. Imagine, for example, that on your deathbed you are the last speaker of a language that will become extinct upon your passing, erasing your memory and your history. That is a horror much worse than Hell, where at least you can chat with your neighbor in the brimstone pit. At least the shade of Achilles could gripe to Odysseus about the misery of the underworld; imagine how the son of Peleus would have felt if all memory of Greece along with its language were forever extinguished, and he sat in Hades alone and in perpetual silence.

That is how it feels to be trapped in a dying civilization.Rationality ceases to have meaning. Upon learning that you have an inoperable malignant brain tumor, you might cash in your insurance policy and go on a spree—but not if everyone who speaks your language and shares your memories already is extinct. In that case there is nothing to do with your money. You can sit at the bar by yourself and drink Chateau Petrus. Or you can go out and stab the next Israeli you run into.

The death of Muslim civilization is too horrible for the Germans to contemplate, because the bell tolls for them, too. And it is particularly painful for Germans to consider the possibility that the source of the terrible events that have driven millions to Germany is the character of the people themselves. Syria has torn itself to pieces not only because of the malfeasance of its leaders but rather because of the character of its people. Once the Sunni revolt against Shia-majority government in Iraq enlisted elements of Saddam Hussein’s army as well as the “Sunni Awakening” funded by Gen. Petraeus during the 2007-2008 “surge,” sectarian war to the death became inevitable in Syria, with both sides inflicting the most revolting atrocities imaginable.

Just as an atheist fears the same death that the religious person is able to face with some equanimity, so do the totally secularized, spiritually dessicated Europeans look away when cultural death stalks them.

Definitely read Goldman’s post. It’s very densely written but very worth the effort.

Also, Christie Davies reminds us that the cry of “racism” that the Muslims and the Left shrill out every time someone speaks up about Muslim depredations is a lie.  Islam is not a race, it’s an ideology, and it’s perfectly appropriate in a free country (assuming any are left) to challenge an evil ideology.

The silence of the dead Jews

The Charlie Hebdo and Jewish market massacre happened a year ago yesterday. Barack Obama memorably referred to the latter deaths, at the Jewish market, as “random.” Although the president routinely assaults language with coarse phrases, mangled syntax, and “ums” & “uhs,” his decision to call those deaths “random” was a careful word choice. Obama, focused on his struggle to destroy Netanyahu and marginalize Israel, was not about to make nascent antisemitism a cause celebre on his watch.

The editor of Charlie Hebdo, however, had his eyes opened wide by the massacre, and had this to say on the anniversary:

The editor of Charlie Hebdo said in an article set to come out Wednesday on the anniversary of the deadly terror attack on the French satirical magazine that while the killings launched a global debate on the role of religion and free speech, no one bothered to explain to the world why Islamist attackers also went after a kosher supermarket.

Jihadist gunmen murdered 17 people at Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015 and at a Paris kosher supermarket two days later. They were among the first victims of a string of attacks by Islamic fundamentalists in France last year that ultimately left at least 147 people dead and hundreds of others injured.

“We are so used to Jews being killed because they are Jewish,” Gėrard Biard wrote. “This is an error, and not just on a human level. Because it’s the executioner who decides who is Jewish. Nov. 13 was the proof of that. On that day, the executioner showed us that he had decided we were all Jewish.”

Obama is many bad things. Chief among them is the fact that he’s a small, miserable excuse of a human being.

Incidentally, those Progressive Jews who think Hillary will be better than Obama are lying to themselves. Hillary has never been a friend to Jews, and has always been drawn to the Muslim nations, fascinated both by their purported victim status at the hands of Western imperialism and their sexy totalitarianism, a power each Leftist secretly desires.

The usefulness of teaching kids Arabic

PJ Media reports the way in which creeping Islam is using American public schools and Common Core to spread its message:

Common Core . . . effectively mandates the study of Islam, which often takes precedence over the traditional focus on American and Western history. As columnist and author Edward Davenport reports for Freedom Outpost, “An astounding 32 pages of the World history textbook are devoted to Muslim cavitation. Students in two Texas schools–Cross Timbers intermediate and Kenneth Davis–will be required to learn Arabic…thanks to a 1.3 million grant from the Department of Education’s Foreign Language Assistantship program.” Much of American political and military history has been airbrushed out of the materials students are expected to master. Qatar has also been lavish in promoting Islamic propaganda at the expense of objective scholarship; indeed, Qatar Foundation International, directed by Islamic apologist Tariq Ramadan, funded the “One World Education” concept from which Common Core originated.

I find this trend very disturbing, of course. I do think, however, that it’s useful to teach Arabic, although the teaching should be done in a pro-American, not anti-American context. As WWIV — the war between the West and Islam — heats up, America will need reliable Arabic-speaking patriots to help keep track of Islamic communications.

The Left — getting science lessons from a gorilla

Climate Changistas are very excited that Koko, the signing gorilla, took humans to task for destroying the earth:

Now, as part of a campaign by French organization Noe Conservation, Koko has been filmed delivering a message to the humans of the world, encouraging them to become more conscious of their responsibility to protect the planet. In the video, she appears to call mankind “stupid” for ignoring this responsibility, while also claiming that “Earth Koko love”

In a hilarious caveat to this gorilla message, IFLScience, the hard-Left leaning “science” site, solemnly ends its post by saying

It must also be recognized that her ability to truly grasp the concepts about which she appears to “talk” in the video is questionable. For instance, her awareness of notions such as climate change and time unlikely to be strong. It has also not been verified by scientists not affiliated with the Gorilla Foundation whether or not she truly is able to grasp the syntax required to make complex statements, and how advanced her level of communication actually is.

Ya think?

Ah, the lovely hypocritical irony of carbon footprints

When I think of the word “indulgence,” it has two meanings for me. The first is the obvious one, of fulfilling our sensual desires with good food, luxury homes, fine cars, fancy clothes, etc. The second is the medieval concept that led to Luther’s reformation. He was horrified by the Church’s willingness to allow people to pay money to the Church to purchase “indulgences,” a purchase that would allegedly free even the most stained soul to go to Heaven.

In Marin, wealthy people indulge in all of the usual sensual desires: clothes, houses, food — and cars. One of the indulgent cars in Marin is the Tesla, but other electric or hybrid cars aren’t far behind. They swarm the roads here. (Being married to a Leftist, I have two, and can highly recommend Ford’s hybrid Fusion as a delightful car to drive.)

Lefties also think of these indulgent cars in a medieval way: they are a bought and paid for ticket to greenie Heaven. The person driving a Tesla or Prius, having spent the money, is truly holier than thou.

This is why I got such a huge kick out of the headline in the local newspaper: Marinites have a disgracefully large carbon footprint. It turns out that buying a Tesla or Prius isn’t going to offset your 10,000 square foot house with all of the modern conveniences. Who would have thought?

Daniel Pipes plays the optimist card

Daniel Pipes thinks that ISIS, like a popular franchise that expands too quickly only to collapse even faster, will essentially burn itself out. I’d like to share his optimism, but I think the fact that the ISIS franchise has worldwide traction means that any eventual burnout will take decades, not days.

How to write modern poetry

When I was in high school English, we still studied actual poetry. If you’re over 40, you probably remember the drill: learn all about rhyme, rhyme patterns, rhythm, meter, and different types of poems (e.g., sonnet, iambic pentameter, etc.).

It’s been different for my kids. The teacher played a handful of videos showing “slam” poems and told the kids to write their own. I wish I’d known about Moe Lane’s hysterical tutorial when my kids were struggling with that pointless project.

Natural beauty

For a moment of serenity at the end of a depressing post, close-ups of snowflakes.

[VIDEO] Ayaan Hirsi Ali shames feminists who don’t stand up for Muslim women


Feminists and Muslim misogynyIt seems to me that an alternative title for this video could be “Moral Relativism Kills.” The West’s feminists freely go around denigrating Western men (especially white Western men) as rapists, sexual chauvinists, workplace pigs, and tyrants, etc. However, when faced with the real tyranny of Islamic and Arab culture when it comes to women, the feminists suddenly fall silent. The toxicity that is moral relativism leaves them incapable of calling misogynistic evil by its real name and consigns millions of girls and women to a dangerous, marginal existence.

This is just one of the many, many reasons why I do not call myself a “feminist.” The current generation has degraded the word too much for me to want it allied with my values.

As you watch the debate, remember that culture war matters


The Trump & Clinton ShowEven #NeverTrumpers have to concede that Trump is the one who looked down upon the culture wars, built a barricade, and loudly stood atop it hollering “Stop!” at the top of his lungs. With Trump in the White House, political correctness and all its attendant evils might no longer be issues. So as you prepare to watch the debate, or as you think about the debate after having already watched it, let me just remind you of the craziness that is the American culture warin the Age of Obama.

A word of caution — as is true for the audience filing into the debate at Hofsta, let me warn you that there are triggering ideas here. They might make anyone who reads this post stop and think how terribly the Left has injured America’s moral backbone and common sense.

Damn women.  There’s been a big to-do about the change in culture that sees people desperate to be in selfies with famous people. The ne plus ultra of this trend is a marvelous photo of Hillary standing alone on a box at the back of a room, with the rest of the room facing away from Hillary, arms extended in the air, with each person trying to get a selfie that includes Hillary. You can see the picture here, along with a great caption contest.

Perhaps because one of my Little Bookworms selfies, I’ve become immune to the selfie trend. That is, I don’t like it, but it doesn’t surprise me.

I wanted you to note something different about the picture:  all those navel-gazing selfie takers, desperate to project themselves into their favorite candidate’s world, are women. It’s the damn college educated women who are propping up Hillary’s campaign. Speaking as a woman myself, perhaps it would have been better if the 19th Amendment had never passed. First Harding and now Hillary. How dumb can women be?

Conservatives need to throw themselves in the culture war.  The Kaepernick capers reminded me of something rather sad about conservatives:  we like fussing about things on Facebook, and we’ll boycott things that don’t really matter (forget Target; let’s go to WalMart), but we will not make an effort where it inconveniences us or ruins one of our pleasures. I’m guilty myself, in that I shop at Costco, which is owned by a rabid Hillary supporter. Shopping at Costco makes my life easier (and cheaper) and I’ve been unwilling to forego that.

John Hawkins points out that other conservatives, if they’re disturbed by the disrespect for our flag and our national anthem at sporting events need to stop going and stop watching:

CONSERVATIVES are why these overgrown jackasses can continue to be unpatriotic. That’s because you’re the people who are offended by their behavior, but you won’t do anything about it. That’s the same reason conservatives have lost the schools, Hollywood, the mainstream media and it’s why the NFL is turning into a bigger, even dumber version of the Daily Kos. If liberals are going to reward you for trashing America and conservatives aren’t going to punish you for it, a certain percentage of people are going to take advantage of that. That’s just the way of the world and as we see again and again and again, it’s a slippery slope. Today it’s the NFL; tomorrow it’ll be the NBA and MLB. Next thing you know, the NFL will be making kids listen to a lecture from Al Gore before they start the NFL Punt, Pass & Kick program while the adults will be forced to watch anti-gun lectures at half time. Why wouldn’t they do that if liberals will swoon over them in the press and conservatives will keep giving them money?

He’s got a point. Maybe it’s time to cross Costco off my list. (I can’t cross much else off, because I’ve pretty much removed myself from pop culture and I like my affordable generic products.

I can’t tell if this is a feminism fail or a feminism success:  Men are fine working for women bosses. It’s the women who don’t like working for another woman.

I’m a woman who likes manly men. One of the things I noticed when I got my Little Bookworm settled in at her Obscenely Expensive Liberal Arts College was that the many of the boys sounded feminine because they’ve adopted the habit of ending sentences on a questioning note, as girls habitually do. Put more strongly, what I noticed was that there were no men there: Just girls, women, and a few boys. Men, mature men, whether gay or straight, were conspicuously missing. I’m not the only one who has noticed that our hyperfeminized society, having marginalized men by saying that they’re all rapists and brutes, is now pushing to do away with external attributes of masculinity such as muscles.

The lies used to push the same-sex agenda.  There are problems studying same-sex parenting. If you say it’s not perfect, you will be destroyed. The Left united to destroy Mark Regnerus who collated a massive amount of data to demonstrate that children raised in same-sex households do not thrive. The study’s conclusion was unacceptable.

Now a new study has come out of Australia and the Daily Mail boasts that it shows that “research reveals same-sex couples make the BEST parents.”

How can that be? It strikes me as intuitively wrong, especially because the same-sex couples I know, while loving their children, are crazy in ways only same-sex couples can be. (Straight couples can also be crazy, but there’s a unique dynamic in same-sex parenting. And no, I can’t prove it, but it’s true whenever I see it happen.) It turns out that it depends how you define “best.”

When it comes to parenting, when I think of “best,” I think of happy, well-adjusted children who succeed in life and have very low incidences of all sorts of destructive behavior. According to the study, though, that’s not what “best” parenting is: “. . . children with lesbian parents were better equipped than other children to deal with issues of equality and diversity.”

There you have it: raising the “best” child means raising a child who adopts the Left’s standards about sexuality.

Lionel Shriver comes out swinging again. I blogged about Lionel Shriver’s magnificent talk challenging the stupidity of the “cultural appropriation” uproar sweeping academia, as well as about the worst rebuttal ever that a Muslim Australian women wrote justifying using the cry of “cultural appropriation” to prevent authors from ever writing about any characters who differ in any way from the author. To her great credit, Shriver hasn’t let the matter rest. I don’t know how she did it, but she managed to get the New York Times to print an opinion piece she wrote making the same point:

When I was growing up in the ’60s and early ’70s, conservatives were the enforcers of conformity. It was the right that was suspicious, sniffing out Communists and scrutinizing public figures for signs of sedition.

Now the role of oppressor has passed to the left. In Australia, where I spoke, Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act makes it unlawful to do or say anything likely to “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate,” providing alarming latitude in the restriction of free speech. It is Australia’s conservatives arguing for the amendment of this law.

As a lifelong Democratic voter, I’m dismayed by the radical left’s ever-growing list of dos and don’ts — by its impulse to control, to instill self-censorship as well as to promote real censorship, and to deploy sensitivity as an excuse to be brutally insensitive to any perceived enemy. There are many people who see these frenzies about cultural appropriation, trigger warnings, micro-aggressions and safe spaces as overtly crazy. The shrill tyranny of the left helps to push them toward Donald Trump.

Welcome to the real world, Ms. Shriver. The Left values freedom only when it works to its benefit. As Erdogan, the increasingly totalitarian Turkish leader said when still mayor of Istanbul, he views democracy as a bus: “Once I get to my stop, I’m getting off.”

Patience is a virtue.  I’ve mentioned before the fact that the Muslims who have been moving out of the Middle East and into other parts of the world, especially Europe, should have held their fire for another decade or so. With Europeans no longer having babies, between Muslim birthrates and Muslim immigration, the Islamic world could have had its caliphate without firing a shot.

However, once they reached a critical mass, the West’s Muslim population felt it had the wind at its back and showed its teeth. In a normal world, that would have been enough to send them reeling out of the West and back into the Stone Age. That they’ve made such headway is only because the West has no inclination to defend itself. We’re neither drowning nor swimming; we’re just treading water.

The same holds true in America’s culture wars. The Left has done a splendid job, using academic and the media, in indoctrinating several generations of young Americans into its belief systems, everything from climate change to gay marriage. It should have stopped pressing so hard at that point and made sure people got used to these new ideas.

But was was true with the Muslims, the collective Left, without Obama in the White House, couldn’t wait. In the last eight years, horrified Americans have been exposed to triggers, microaggressions, gender madness, and all of the other insanity that lies at the heart of the Left’s attempt to control American culture completely. Trump represents pushback. If they’d been patient, even Trump would not have found willing supporters to join him in the war against cultural Marxism.

Take the culture wars seriously because they matter. I can’t add anything to this video:

The post As you watch the debate, remember that culture war matters appeared first on Bookworm Room.

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